Party of Two?

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"That's it, damn it! Sick of those little bitches making the game lag! Cheating little pieces of-" Donovan went to slam the controller down, realized half way that it was a new one and slowed the descent, before placing it on the coffee table with a heavy breath through his nose. Then he crushed his old controller, something he had wanted to do for a long time. It had survived many frustrations, the curved edges lined with cracks of anger now little more than crumbled bits of plastic and wire. 

Cairo ripped off his head set and hung it up, grinding his teeth together. 

"I'm going to bed," the alpha grumbled.

Cairo blocked the way to the bathroom connecting the rooms together. "No way. It's like seven thirty! Dinner is obviously ready and then we are pre-gaming and going to the bar, exactly what you need," he said, jabbing a finger into his friend's beefy pectoral. 

"I don't need a bunch of starry-eyed females hanging off me when I can't do anything about it!"

"You're going to find a rogue, or a human, or a damn goat and you are going to get rid of this pouty shit, Don! Man up!"

Shoulders hit the wall faster than any goat could run and Donovan showed his teeth, telling his friend he had pushed too far. "You wouldn't be telling me to man up if you had cobwebs on your balls, Cairo," he growled, watching hands slide up in defeat. Talking about an alpha's libido like something that could be controlled was like saying you were going to ride a pissed off bull while injecting rattlesnake venom into your jugular and insist you were coming out alive. It just wasn't done. Being a testosterone-fueled giant of a man was one thing for an overkill sex drive, but also being half wolf added a primal urge to find that life mate and copulate that was borderline obsessive. It was not a thought or desire that could be ignored for long or else things got...unmanageable (be it three hundred pounds of wolf with one thing in mind). 

Eyes averted, and the beta was released. He may have submitted, but he was a persistent little turd. "So...are you going?"

"Yes, I'm going," Donovan barked back, stomping out of the room. Clad in dark jeans and a deep earthy green cotton shirt that clung to his torso like white on rice, Donovan was sending out a very clear message. I am big, strong and available. Now he just needed some takers to choose from.

Dinner took place in what used to be the ballroom or entertainment area of the old house, construction circa 1850's. The ceilings were high and vaulted, with chandeliers made of great wreaths of elk antlers. Tables ordered neatly in rows, it made a fine cafeteria, Hogwart's style. Donovan sat at the head of the first with Cairo and the high ranking consisting of a fair number of warriors that chose to live in the house. The next table over sat mated couples, the next unmated, and the last children and elderly. 

From the corner of his eye, the alpha could see heads turning ever so slightly at the unmated table now and then as females tried to get just a whiff of his potent scent. Even with mates out there somewhere, his prestige was something their wolf side could not ignore. It was difficult for him to do the same with their interest, especially now that he was so focused with finding a partner for the night. Each slight movement, be it colored brunette, red, black or blonde, seemed to cause him growing agitation until he felt the skin of his forearms prickle with the force of his beast trying to surface. An unscratchable itching

"We need to go," he growled to his beta, busy shoveling food into his mouth. Heavy chair scraping across the floor drew a few stares, but most knew their alpha had been restless of late and avoided eye contact.

"What? We just sat down. I'm not done with my spaghetti-"


Groaning, the beta conceded, stuffing his cheeks hurriedly and following his boss, unwilling to risk another lesson in status that night. "Why are you in such a rush now? You need some carbs or something to soak up the alcohol tonight. Do you want some bread, or here-" Snagging a muffin off the breakfast basket on the counter, he tossed it to Donovan as he turned around with a murderous glare.

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