The Half of it

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Lemon-yellow nails tapped on her bicep as Zira stared into Addy's garage. "Just what the actual fuck are you doing in here?"

Addy smeared her palms down her face, exhausted and worried, but also irritated by her cousin. "I'm not a child anymore, Z. I practice my own craft. Just leave the wolf out of this, because it isn't why I asked you to come over. A couple things have happened since I last talked to you and I'm not exactly sure how I feel about any of them, but I'm handling it, okay?"

"Jeez, sweetheart, calm down. Don't start flinging cow patties at me," she smirked. "You will ruin my shoes..."

"I would suggest that you don't wear bright yellow stiletto's to a farm in the future, by the way. It's kind of hard to calm down right now. Halloween is getting close, and you know why that stresses me out. You also sent those spirit wolves to guard the place from it, so you know what I'm dealing with. On top of all that, Charles asked me to marry him and Doggie, my guardian-"

Loud cackling laughter split the air like lightening, slapping her thighs and clicking her pointy little heals for good measure, Zira crowed. Addy huffed and waited the crowing out. "I'm, I'm, oh gosh, Doggie? You named him Doggie?"

"Damn it, Zira, did you not hear me? I. Am. Engaged!" Addy really chewed the words, just in case her cousin had gone deaf.

"Loud and clear, Addy. Congrats and regrets. He's not the one, we both know that. Saying yes was you trying to deny who and what you are. Gals like us can't be with humans, darling," she shook her head like she was trying to explain things to a child. "They can't handle anything but normal, every day life. All they want is for us to make them powerful. Especially with Charles. Yeah, he's been sweet to you, but the boy is power hungry, always moving up and up..." Zira conjured up a tiny white house the size of a piece of chewing gum before popping it in her mouth.  The woman loved her damn gum.

Addy rolled her eyes, trying to center and rebalance her wrath before she lost control and injured everything within a fifty foot radius. Chickens, Addy. Chickens and wolf. "Whatever. I don't need a lecture. He doesn't have to know what I am. He hasn't figured it out so far and we have been together for years. If it doesn't work out, it just doesn't, but that won't be the reason."

"Of course, sweetheart. It's your relationship and I'll support you either way. You know that. You also know I'll turn his pecker into a cobra so it can bite him in the balls if he hurts you, so be wary."

"Anyway, I wanted you to come here, because I think the ring he proposed with is cursed. I don't sense anything negative, but Doggie freaked out when he saw me wearing it like there was a demon dangling from it," Addy explained, pointing to the silver band still sitting on the table top.

Zira pursed her lips, but didn't say anything, her eyes narrowing. Crossing her arms under her ample bosom, she looked toward the tub and muttered something under her breath, chewing her gum in silence.

"Hello? Aren't you going to come feel it? This is your area, not mine," she grumbled.

"Listen. Didn't you say he hated Charles?"

"What's that go to do with the ring being cursed?"

"It's not cursed," Zira said, seemingly growing more and more agitated, glancing again at the tub. "God damn it, girl, you've dug yourself in deep now. 'Doggie' thinks you're making a stupid decision and things are going to get ugly. Gonna have to 'reset' his ass to factory settings."

"Could you? I mean, it's sweet that he is protective, but Charles is a good guy. And I don't see any wizards knocking at my door," Addy laughed.

Zira brushed herself off, as though the garage was swirling with clouds of dust. "I got to go. If you have to settle with that human boy, then do it, but it won't end well. Heed that warning. Ciao." The puff of smoke in her dramatic exit was, of course, bright yellow. One day Addy would make a dramatic making a tree fall on someone. It might just be her damn cousin.

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