The Plan

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After feeding the chickens, Addy walked over to the burn pile to make sure all the child-sized cadavers had disintegrated into ash. Burning them felt so long ago, but was only the night before. 

Now, she basically had a new roommate for the foreseeable future, had screwed up her house, and still had no solid plan for dealing with the evil boogeyman that was pressing closer every day. Even then with the morning sun shining down on sparkling blades lined in frost and shadows pressed away into their hiding places, its presence could be felt. Lingering. Watching. Creeping nearer and nearer. Not even the birds felt like flitting about. 

Two days. 

Just two full days left until the veil between worlds would tear apart with the smallest force like tissue paper and her nightmare would be as real as the night it actually happened. How many would die this time? 

Maybe if Zira would pluck her head out of her ass, they would be able to come up with a way to get rid of the thing permanently. It seemed that now that her "guardian" had even abandoned her to her fate. 

"I don't need anybody anyway," she muttered to herself, kicking a stray stick back into the white smoking pile. She was definitely not powerful enough to defeat the spirit coming for her, but evidently there was not going to be any backup. She would be damned if she didn't go down swinging, though. 

At least Charles would remember her. Shaking her head she wondered how she would keep her fiance away from the battle when it came. Hopefully, he would be too engrossed in the party and meeting all the "elite" people he went on and on about. Speaking of which, she doubted that the spirit would care if there were hundreds of people present to witness it shred her to pieces. That meant she would have to leave the safety of numbers and walk out into the forest in the night to her fate to spare them. 

Walking to the gallows. 

Shoulders shook as she shuddered, and not because of the cold. 

When Addy got back inside she was only mildly surprised to find more text messages waiting for her. 

Stacia: Omg can't wait 2g2 the partaaaay! Sexy cheerleeder + sexy wich = on fire!

Charles: Make sure your costume is appropriate. There will be a lot of business associates there I'm sure. We want to make a good impression. Should we do a couples theme? Bonnie and Clyde? 

Addy: I've already decided on a witch costume...

Charles: Are you sure thats a good idea?

Addy almost tossed the phone on her couch while her eyes almost rolled right out of her head. Why were people so stuck up about her family all the time?

Addy: What do you mean?

Charles: Well you know. The rumors about your grandma.

Addy: Frankly, I'm tired of trying to please everyone else and I'm sick of the "rumors". I want to be a witch for Halloween and I'm going to be a witch if it's the last thing I do. Probably because it was going to be the last thing she did. 

Charles: Okay, babe. Your right. Be whatever you want. I'll be a wizard!

Addy grunted. She felt half-hungover and half like she was due for her monthly gift at any moment. Crappy. 

"What's wrong?" Berlin had taken it upon herself to rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, something Addy was immensely grateful for. 

"Basically, the town thinks my family is cursed and practiced voodoo evil witchcraft so I'm like a black cat crossing their paths and bringing misfortune to everyone. I've never done anything in my life except live in my house, garden, and sell flowers and starter plants in the spring time, which people buy. I worked at a retirement home and now I deliver pizzas, but I'm still a devil worshiper. I say fuck-it-all and I'm going to this Halloween party as a witch just to do it," she vented. 

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