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We waited a little while at the entrance for Jessica ,and Angela. Jess was so excited to have fun ,and win. But, she made a mistake...letting Angela drive. Not realizing that Angela had never been back there ,and had no idea where she was going. So they got lost ,and instead of have fun she was not to happy. Especially because, they lost. When they meet us at the end we drove back to the house to wash the quades. Charlie knew we were going riding ,but didn't want us to get to much mud on them. And, considering we drenched them in mud....he wouldn't be that happy. But, at least it wasn't the truck. Anyway he was at work for another hour. So we had to get home quick to clean them. We got to the house ,and got all the supplies we needed. Once they were washed we put them away ,and hosed ourselves off. We didn't fight like Jack fought me ,but it was still so fun.

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