Chapter 1

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There is beauty in darkness. An unspoken attraction that captivates all of mind and body, allowing for peace to take root within you. The stillness of nature, the absence of light allows for quiet reverie.

Kamaria may very well have been the first one to ever have noticed it, but she was the Goddess of Night. Darkness was all she had ever known.

She had always found peace in the darkness she had created for Olympus.  The stillness that cascaded around the trees and hills, causing everything to disappear and the world to seem so simple.

Kamaria stared out her window at the shadows of the gardens that lay beyond.  Lanterns illuminated the paths making the shadows dance in the cool breeze. A small smile crossed her face as she stared out at her dark creation, it was better than the light, not that she was biased. 

Light was meant for day.  She had watched as the Light God pushed away her dark sky with a light blue one.

When day and night clash, it's an explosion of colors. Truth be told, that's her favorite time, because it set the sky on fire and the result was breathtaking. When she was younger, she had hoped that she would be able to keep the sky decorated with the clashing colors. Instead it is either vast emptiness of light blue or an abyss of darkness.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kamaria noticed a tinge of light pink begin to creep over her darkness; night was coming to an end.

She had stayed awake all night.  She didn't sleep much anyway, being the Goddess of Night, but she still could manage two or three hours easy on a normal night. She knew that that morning would be anything but normal. She would meet the God she had been betrothed to since she was five.

She had never understood how her parents had chosen a husband for her at such a young age. But there was no going against her parents. There was no getting out of the arrangement.

Kamaria didn't even know his name or if he was a high God or low. It didn't matter to her parents if she knew anything about him. She would marry him and that would be all they had to say on the matter. She didn't have high expectations. She didn't really know what to expect actually. But she hoped he could see the beauty in her Night, in her Darkness.

She walked to the bowl of water in her room and began to wash her face and hair. No matter if she was ready to be married, the time was here. She changed out of her night clothes and into a light purple dress that flowed down her body like water. She clasped it over one shoulder and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her emerald green eyes shone brightly against her dark black hair and the light fabric of her dress.

Her mother was nothing short of excited about Kamaria's impending marriage. She had every outfit picked out, so all Kamaria had to do was show up. Every time she would walk past her mothers' chambers, the knowledge that her wedding dress was just behind the door would daunt at her.

The light poured into the window from the outside and she squinted instinctively. The light blue sky stared back at her as if to mock her with its happiness.

Everything will be OK - it is just nerves. I just have to meet him. She took a deep breath to try and steady her heart.

She tied her long black hair back into a simple twist -Willing herself to continue moving forward one step at a time.

Can I really be someones Fiance?  The thought sent a dreadful shiver down her back. Kamaria had stared at her reflection in the mirror for so long, she began to not recognize the face looking back. Was it even her anymore?

With a shaky breath, Kamaria began her walk through the halls to the stairs, where her future awaited just below.

Authors Note:  This story has been playing in my head for awhile, so I am excited to finally be writing and sharing it. Please share and leave comments. Let me know what you think Hope you enjoy (:

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