Chapter 3

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Kamaira excused herself from the table after brunch was over. She was feeling suffocated but claimed to need to lie down from all the excitement of the morning. Every emotion swirled through her body, threatening to over power and destroy her. Once her mother's voice was muffled by the distance - she ran.

Her gown trailed behind her like a cape as she burst through the back doors and down the stairs leading to the gardens.

The further into the gardens she got, the smaller the palace became until finally she could no longer see it in the distance.

She didn't know what to expect or how to feel when she'd finally meet the God who was to be her husband.

But to feel nothing has left her feeling empty and scared.

He is handsome, yes, and obviously her mother likes him - but Kamaria is completely indifferent.

She could feel the tears trying to fall but she does her best to fight them back.

So what if she felt nothing towards him - how many of the Gods were in loveless marriages?

Did her mother even love her father?

In all her life, she had never seen them kiss or even hold hands at all. They didn't even speak to each other like friends.

I'll just have to get used to the idea of a marriage like my parents.

A new batch of tears formed and started to fall down her cheeks. She tried to focus on anything other than her thoughts. She needed any kind of escape, even a momentary one.

For the first time in her life, she  noticed the flowers lining the path. White petals with stripes of yellow and pink - have they always been here?

These are to beautiful, surely she  would have noticed these before now wouldn't she have?

"They are called Gazania flowers" the voice caused her to jump backwards right into him- knocking them both to the ground.

"Well, not my best attempt at swiping a Goddess off her feet" he chuckled as he dusted off his clothes.

Kamaria glanced up at him, from under her long lashes, trying to give this stranger an incredulous look.

He is tall, although she is still on the ground so her perspective is off. He had dark hair and a smile that would make the flowers bloom around her.

Her emerald eyes pierced his heart. He would swear his heart stopped beating when her eyes met his. She was without a doubt, the most beautiful Goddess he had ever seen.

He fumbled over himself a moment as she was stared at him like he was an annoying fly. Finally he extended his hand to help Kamaria up.

"You frightened me - I didn't know anyone was in the Gardens" Her hand slipped into his and he pulled her gently to her feet.

"It is my job - bring light to all the plants that live in the shadows." He smiled and gestured to all the flowers growing under the trees.

"Where are my manners" he squared his shoulders and straightened his posture "Kiron - God of Light"

Again his hand is extended to her but this time as new acquaintances.

"Kamaria, Goddess of Night" she slipped her hand into his and offered him a slight  smile.

"Goddess of Night?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

What was he expecting?

"Yes, why the tone of surprise?" she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him.

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