Chapter 14

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"You've gotten your revenge. You've taken the one thing that I love away from me."

Somehow, Kamaria found the strength to stand and face Sethos "leave, you're not welcome here" she didn't recognize the ferocity in her own voice.

She sounded like the monster now.The weight of what Sethos had taken from her, made her body shiver and her heart feel like stone.

He sneered at her but remained motionless. Her eyes were puffy from crying, her breath shaky and  bottom lip trembling, but he could not hurt her anymore.

"Were you lying about being able to live without him?" She could feel his dark eyes on her face. She didn't want to look at him, she was disgusted by his very presence.

She wanted to kill him. Rip him apart piece by piece until he felt the pain he caused her. But she knew that vengeance could not ring Ki back; No matter how good it would feel.

She sighed, defeat washing over her  "Does it matter?"

"Answer the Question!" his entire face became red with anger as he stepped forward to tower over her.

Kamaria took a deep breath and finally forced her eyes to meet his. Maybe hearing the truth would cause him pain and she'd at least want to see his face, if it did.

"Yes, I lied" she spit the words at him with as much venom as she could muster through the heartache.

His face did not satisfy her want for vengeance. He did not even react, just stood motionless in front of her. The thought of slapping him weighed heavily on her mind, palm itching with with the prospect.

But at that moment - she wanted nothing more than to get away from him. To lock herself away in the palace and never let him hurt her again. Without so much as final words - she turned to leave.

A sickening laugh filled the air and before Kamaria could look to him -  pain shot through her entire body. She grit her teeth, the pain was unlike any she had ever felt before. It felt like she was being ripped apart from the inside. 

Her feet left the ground and a scream built in her chest. It ripped through her lips and filled the morning air with agony. She kept moving higher, as the pain ricocheted through her body. Sethos monstrous sneer watching her rise was the last clear image she saw.

The mountains and Oceans of Olympus slowly turned to hills and ponds as she soared towards the sky. She clenched her jaw as the pain got worse the higher she went.

Just as quickly as the pain started - it ended. She tried to move but Kamaria felt trapped like a rat in a cage. Except she couldn't see a cage. All she could see around her was darkness.

Except -

She could see the sun Sethos created, not nearly as bright as when she was on Olympus, but still there was no mistaking it.

Her breath caught in her throat and her heart clenched in her chest. She could see Ki in the center of the sun. His hands banged against the side of the sun, trying to get out of his fiery prison.

Ki slowly dropped his hands and looked at Kamaria. Defeat overtaking his expression.  Tears brimmed her eyes as she stared across distance at the man she loved.

What a sick twist to Sethos game. Trapped in this prison, looking at Ki but never to be with him.

Kamaria felt as if half of her soul was missing, ripped away by a heartless monster, leaving her less than whole. The feeling was overwhelming and it caused a physical pain to vibrate throughout her being.

One look at Ki, confirmed that he felt the same. The pain evident on his features as he realized their was no escaping their prisons. 

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