Chapter 11

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Kamaria tried to stand tall as Sethos looked between her and Ki. She didn't know what to say-
where to start. All she saw was the hurt and anger in Sethos eyes staring back at her.

They never intended for Sethos to find out this way. Kamaria actually never wanted him to find out. She wanted to leave with Ki and never come back, leaving Sethos a distant memory of the past she had. 

"Seth, I -" he held his hand up to silence Kamaria. She could feel the anger radiating off his body. Her courage wavered as his face flashed with different emotions, making him seem more frightening.

"I would have been good to you" his voice a hurt whisper and his dark eyes almost red with his anger.

"I'm sorry" Kamaria didn't even recognize her own voice. It was so small and weak, did he even hear her words?

"Are you?" His voice was mocking but his position relaxes. It's like Kamaria could see the light bulb form above his head. His smile terrified her to the depths of her soul.


"Are you sorry for betraying me or sorry you got caught?"

In honesty, Kamaria didn't know. Her eyes flickered between Sethos and Ki. She didn't know what to say. Tears formed in her eyes. She felt trapped as Ki stood frozen in his place a few steps away. His eyes were her only solace, but for all their amazement, they held no answers to their current problem.

Ki stared at Kamaria, wanting desperately to protect her. He put his hands up in surrender and looked at Sethos "we meant no disrespect. We didn't antici-"

"You meant no disrespect?" Sethos spat the words back at Ki as he towered over him - or was it his anger that made him seem taller?

"Did you know she was engaged? Did you not attend our ball - and dance with her right under my nose?" Ki met Kamaria's gaze and she could feel his apology. But she knew that he was not to blame, She was a willing accomplice.

"No - you are not sorry, Kamaria. But you will be." Sethos stalked towards her, his words bite like a whip. "You have betrayed the wrong God."

Kamaria couldn't help but shrink down to the ground as he stormed away, covering her face with her hands. She tried to be strong - but the sob overtook and nearly shattered her.

What have I done?   Her thoughts a jumble of how things could of played out differently. Sethos would not be angry and Ki would not be in this mess with her.

But she would not be with Ki. The very thought brings another sob raising from her chest.

Ki had watched Sethos storm away but stayed silent. His heart broken at the sight of Kamaria on the ground, so fragile.

He approached her slowly, wrapping his arms around her and pulled her close. She turned into Ki's chest and wrapped her arms tightly around him, as if he might disappear in an instant.

Time seemed frozen when they held each other. Oh how they both wished they could stay like that forever.

"Maybe it's not too late - we can still be together on Earth?" Kamaria's voice was a desperate plea for reassurance.

Ki stroked her hair softly, before placing a kiss on top of her head. She didn't know how to read his silence but she knew that he would hold her as long as she need him to.

She grabbed the sides of his clothes and pulled him closer to her. Tears fell down her cheeks and dampened his shirt.

In the silence, Kamaria's thoughts seemed to scream.

What have I done? Why did I have to fall in love with Ki?

Ki's eyes found hers as if she had said that out loud. Although he was probably thinking the same thing after what just happened.

Ki gave Kamaria a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

"My love, I don't regret anything" his eyes relaying the same message.

Can he see my soul? Can he see that I feel the same?

Kamaria's hands stroked his cheeks before her fingers twist in his hair.

She opened her mouth to answer but no words seem to express what she wanted to say.

So she pulled his lips to hers. Kamaria knew where words fail, their kiss will always be the best form of communicating how they feel.

She tries to pull away but his hands slip behind her neck, pulling their lips together again. A small groan escaping Ki's lips before he can catch it.

"He won't find us" his fingers linger on her face as he tucks her hair behind my ear

Kamaria's entire body fills with hope. Sethos won't ever find them, they can have the future Ki had so vividly painted.

She intertwined his fingers in hers, but she won't let herself meet his gaze.

The realization of running away together finally hitting home.

"My love?"

It would mean leaving their families, their lives. Everything they had ever known.

But they would be together. That makes it better right?

"I'm sorry" her voice barely a whisper "I don't regret anything, but I am sorry for all that has happened" tears slid down her cheeks, following the same path that remained stained to her cheeks.

Ki's hands quickly wipe them away before they can go any further, then cups her chin forcing Kamaria to face him.

He waits for her to meet his gaze before he speaks.

"Don't ever apologize for falling in love"

"I meant abo-"

"I know what you meant. But everything has happened because we fell in love and I am not sorry about any of it. If given the option to go back and change it all, I wouldn't. I choose you."

His eyebrows are pulled together and she could see the seriousness in his eyes.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, his warm breath on her ear, sending the familiar chills up her spine "I will always choose you.

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