Chapter 2

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Kamaria could hear the voices carrying through the palace as she stood at the top of the stairs.

She was frozen.

That voice speaking to her mother, is who her parents had chosen to be her husband. Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it echo throughout her entire body.

I should be braver, I am a Goddess   she thought. But she didn't feel like a Goddess, she felt like a coward.

Her future stood just beyond the stairs and yet she couldn't find the strength to move towards it, to see what the Fates had planned for her.

Her every movement felt like it explosions as it echoed loudly through the halls. A thunderstorm of footsteps following her into the future.

Her feet hit the floor at the bottom of the staircase. There is no going back.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale

She glided into the room like a cool breeze. Her mother and the stranger looked over to acknowledge her. but no one spoke.

Kamaria made eye contact with her mother unable to force herself to see the stranger that is her future husband.

"Kamaria, nice of you to join us" her mother gestured to the stranger "this is Sethos"

Sethos stepped forward and took Kamaria's hand in his, kissing lightly.

"Pleasure to finally meet you" his dark eyes stared into hers like he is searching for a hidden object.

She hadn't realized she was holding a breath until it was released.

Kamaria never gave much thought to who her betrothed was. She knew that her parents would choose someone that they saw fit to marry her. How they would manage to know who was fit for her at the age five was a different story.

But somehow, Sethos caught her off guard.

He was as handsome as she had hoped. He was pretty much the definition of God; dark hair, angular features and a great smile. She could see, even through his clothes, that he had the toned muscles of a male God.

She hadn't known what to expect, but she had hoped that she would feel something. Any semblance of a spark would satisfy her enough to be content with her parents' choice for the rest of her life.

But looking at him with a pleasant smile on her face, she felt absolutely nothing.

Maybe it takes awhile to develop feelings for another God?  The thought crossed her mind but doubt plagued her. Would she ever feel anything for Sethos?

He held her hand tightly in his, while his thumb idly moved in circles. Why hadn't he released her? His eyes continued to stare into hers as if searching her soul. What did he see? What was he looking for?

"Sethos, the pleasure is mine" It's not, but she had to be polite to her future husband.

The thought gave her an instant headache, he would be her future husband. But Sethos just smiled oblivious to Kamaria's indifference.

"We have had prepared breakfast for us" Sethos released her hand and gestured towards the set table just off to the right.

"That is very kind of you, Seth" his dark eyes met hers and she began to panic.

Why had she called him Seth? She was thinking about how she felt and had automatically responded, not even thinking about what she had said.

What do I do?

His lips twisted into a sly grin as he placed his hand on her lower back and brought himself closer to her side. Uncomfortable goosebumps began to cover her arms at his proximity, but if she were to pull away he would be offended.

"Pet names already, my dear" Sethos whispered so only she could hear. He lead her to the table and pulled her chair out, the same sly grin plastered on his face as she nodded in thanks.

Kamaria sat tentatively, wary about what she had accidentally started.

But does it matter? We are to be married  Somehow, despite how she was feeling, she kept a smile on her face as her mother and Sethos began to talk.

She stared at the fruit that was placed in front of her, not really looking at. The voices of her company became soft whispers around her. Kamaria had no idea what was being said, nor did she care. She managed to nod her head at all the right times and that kept her mother and Sethos content with her company.

She was more focused on trying to see what her future with Sethos would be. What did the Fates have in store for her? The more she thought about it the more frustrated she became.

Why would the Fates allow for me to be betrothed to a God that I would feel nothing for?   Anger, jealousy, sadness all mixed into one wave that began to crash around inside of her. The walls of the dining hall began to slowly close in around her and the oxygen began to thicken.

But her mother and Sethos remained oblivious thanks to the smile Kamaria manged to keep.

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