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Captain Hook watched the sleeping girl, his hair blowing slightly from the breeze coming from the open window. A red cloak covered her and her hood was up, not allowing Hook to see the girl's facial features. He sighed and slowly turned her around with the only hand he had left, and raised his other arm, ready to swing his hook if he had to. The girl, whose name he'd been told was Red, had long, wavy, black hair, and high cheek bones with bright pink cheeks. Her smooth, blood red lips were parted slightly, her warm breath blew against his hand and her teeth shined in the moonlight. Hook gasped quietly at this girl, and lowered his hook, overtaken by her beauty.

All Ruby could see was shadows dancing along the walls of the hallway as a torch glowed softly in her hand. It seem to go on forever, but finally the hall ended, replaced by a huge black room. Her torch was not needed though, the room seemed to shine faintly. A lump swelled up in her throat and Ruby began to hold onto her cloak tightly. The walls melted away, being replaced by a bright red, the color of blood. Ruby gasped in horror and turned her head fast at the sound of a low growl. The black wolf's narrowed, golden eyes watched her every move, it's teeth bared. She shook slightly, her hood falling swiftly from her black hair that swam down her back in curls. Why wasn't the girl afraid of the huge creature? She was, she didn't want to admit it. The only thing that scared Ruby was not anything but the wolf. The wolf who, in a deep part of her, was a girl...named Ruby. Yes, Ruby was afraid of herself more than anything or anyone.

A/N none of these characters belong to me, just writing a FanFic.

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