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Emily sat impatiently waiting for the car to come to a complete stop to get out.Owen glanced at her and shales his head.As soon as the car slowed down almost to a complete stop,Emily jumped out of the car and took off running.The boys were about to run after her when Kota shook his head and yelled out,"You're about to break a promise?"Emily came to such an abrupt stop she slid and fell on her butt.They laugh and Emily runs back to them impatiently and says,"HURRY UP,A GRANDMA CAN WALK FASTER THAN YOU!"Silas shakes his head as she tries to pull him by his hand.Silias sighs and scoops up his daughter.Emily struggles in his grip."ohhh come on..."she says exasperated.Nathan says alright honey let's go and takes her from Silias and sets her on the ground but takes her hand and takes off running.Emily smiles as she sees the clearing up ahead.The other dad's are taking their sweet time.Nathan and Emily slow and he drops her hand.She moves to the middle of the clearing,the rest of the boys come stand beside Nathan.Gabe pulls out a blanket out of nowhere.His team looks at it in question.He rolls his eyes and sits on it after laying it out they all soon join him,even Owen.They watch as Emily pulls at the necklace around her neck and puts it to her lips and blows.Kota recognize it as a dog whistle.Emily comes and sits on the ground about 5 feet in front of them.She smiles,Owen asks,"Where is Prince?"She just smirks.Kota says,"Is Prince a dog?"Emily smirks and laughs and says,"technically,yes"They look at her confused.Suddenly,they hear paws hitting the ground and look toward the sound.Something jumps on Emily before they can stop it.Her laughter echoes off the trees that surround the clearing.North suddenly jumps up and throws Emily over his shoulder.Emily is screaming for him to put her down and that This IS Prince.The Blackbourne  team ignore their new daughter and create a barrier between her and the wild wolf.Emily sighs and stops yelling after she realizes that they aren't going to listen to her.Suddenly,a flicker of black and silver catches her eye in the back of North's pocket.She quickly pickpocketed it and realized it's a phone 'hmmmmmm who to call?'
Emily suddenly smirks and thinks 'This is a great way to get payback.'

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