It's 9th hour, 10 seconds left until we are dismissed to go home, end this perfect day. But I don't want it to end. I'm watching the clock. 6 seconds. "Thank god I don't have any homework today," I think to myself. 4, 3, 2... The bell erupts through the whole school and everyone is heading towards the front door, only to come back the next day. Which gets me thinking, will Science ever be the same again? Will it now be my favorite class? Will Matty love the room itself as much as I now do?
I'm almost at my house, when out of nowhere, I hear a crash coming from my house. Then the next thing I notice is a huge rock, flying right at me! I dodge out of the way and the rock is sitting in the middle of the street. I go to pick it up and see a little note attached to it. I walk towards my house as I read it.
It says, "I wouldn't do that if I were you >:)" and is signed with a picture of a beer bottle and a devil's tail. I stop in my tracks, look up at my house (particularly at the broken window), and see my mom staring at me with utter disgust and my dad behind her, holding a shattered beer bottle. I drop the rock on the sidewalk and head to Camila's house.
I shoot her a text. "Hey, can I stay over again?"
She immediatley replies, "Of course you can! Come on over!"
I've been staying at Camila's house a lot since I've come out to my parents. I'm not their son anymore. I'm just glad Camila's family can put up with me.
I arrive at her house. I knock on the door and she answers it and hugs me.
"I'm sorry, Kasey," she says.
"Don't be," I reply.
We go up to her bedroom, and when we enter she immediately shuts and locks the door.
"So what did the note say?" she asks, referring to the note from Matty.
Also that I had totally forgot about. "Oh!" I say with excitement, getting it out of my bookbag, "It has his number on it and says to text him." I pull it out of my bookbag and hand it to Camila so she can see it for herself. She screams.
"Text him, now!" she orders me.
"Ok, calm down," I say. I grab my phone out of my pocket, dial in his number, and send him a text, "Hey, it's Kasey(:".
He immediatley replies, "Oh, hey boo[:". (The scary thing is, my last boyfriend called me boo ALL THE TIME.) I reply back to him.
Me: (: What's up?
Matty: Nm, talking to this really cute guy (; wbu?
By now, me and Camila are screaming our heads off!
Me: Same(;
Matty: What? Who is the guy?
Me: Really? It's you<3
Matty: Oh, k good. So wanna go to a movie tonight?
Me: Oh, sorry, I can't. I'm hanging with Camila :(
Matty: Damn, that sucks. So whatcha wanna talk bout?
Me: Idk. What's your full name?
Matty: Matthew Patrick Waters. what's yours?
Before I text him back, I quickly make his full name his name in my contacts list. Matthew Patrick Waters. A name you can never possibly get sick of.
Me: Kasey Joseph Aarons
Matty: I like it
Me: Thanks, I love yours(;
Matty: Really? I don't like mine.

Gay is Normal
Novela JuvenilKasey dreams that being gay is normal, but when he's awake, life if totally different. So when he falls for the new kid in town, Matty, his world is turned upside down. Kasey soon learns that Matty is hiding something and will do anything to find ou...