Chapter 3: No Place like Gotham...

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Your P.O.V

I looked at the red and blue haird girl in confusion. Who was she? Who am i? Where am i?

"Your y/n, are right now we need to get you outa here" She said as we ran with a girl in a green suit and Huntress.

(XD hahaha, she remembers huntress, cuz idk wat she look like ;-; )

I was put into a car as we drove off. "So, who are you?" I asked the blue and red haird girl. "I'm harley quinn, and this is Artemis." Harley said pointing at Artemis.

After we dropped Artemis and Huntress off I asked "who am i? Like, what's my backround???" I asked. She paused and smirked. "Your y/n, your my best friend and we're villains, your mother and father were killed by batman. And you want revenge. Your super villain name.... is y/sv/n" She smirked.

Some of what she said felt she must not be lieing....

But why do I feel like my heart is breaking? Why do I feel like I need someone??

Barry's P.O.V

"We have looked all over central city and oliver has looked all over starling city. She not in eather of those places barry." Cisco said saddened. "Well then let's look in gotham" I said. Cisco looked at me with fear. "Are you sure, gotham is not a nice place, and that's batman's turf." Cisco said.

"I knkw, but I just want to find y/n, I want to know she's ok.." I said. "Well, if your going then I'm coming to." Fred said walking in. "Dude?! Where have you been?!" Cisco asked. "Been hanging out with my mom, she's actually in gotham too." Fred said with a smile.

"Well, then let's not wast any time. Cisco I got you on the coms, so if anything happens in Central, just tell me" I said. Cisco nodded and said "get her back safely". I grabbed Fred and ran all the way to gotham..

Y/n, I'm coming to get you. I'm going to bring you home. And as soon as you get home, I'm going to kiss you like there's no tomorrow......

Y/n....please be ok.


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