Chapter 6

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Well last night with with him, I think was a good night, he didn't make any sexual jokes and even tease me, that was the first time I saw that side of him

I like his honest side better than his very cocky attitude

I shocked to hear him say 'I have been watching you' it's quite creepy right? He knows my habit of stuttering when I'm lying, he knows I love nature, that's quite obvious

But, do I know him, as much as he knows me

I shook my head trying to get these thoughts out of my head

Is being curious a bad thing?

Well, I don't know Adeline curiosity did kill the cat

But, I'm curious about him, I want to get to know him

Maybe he's a murderer, that will kill you!

And I'm talking to myself.....great! Did you get the hint of my sarcasm?

Maybe getting to know him isn't going to be that bad....right?

School went like a normal, nothing interesting happend

I went home, ran upstairs to my room and slammed my body to my queen sized bed, I just laid on my bed hugging a pillow

Why does he want to get to know me?

Am I that interesting?

What does his face look like?

I shook my head trying to get these thoughts out of my head, I quickly did my homework and I waited until my mom and dad are asleep

I heard my dads snore signaling me that I can leave

I quietly open my door and walked out of my room, shutting the door quietly as possible, make my way down stairs, grabbing a jacket and quickly go outside and I fist pump to the air

I'm going to make an awesome agent!

Patting myself on the back, I make my way to the meadow, the meadow was actually not far from my house, I walked down the sidewalk and take a right straight into the woods

The woods were amazing at night when you look up your get to see the amazing night sky above you and how the stars twinkle under the night

Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind shocking me, I tried to scream but, my mouth was covered with this kidnappers hand

Am I going to die?

I stomped on his foot and he quickly let go of me, I turned around to see stranger

"No need to stomp on my foot woman!"

I roll my eyes at him "Well you scared me"

He chuckled "I was on my way to the meadow when I saw you and I decided to be a good opportunity to scare you"

"Well congratulations, you did scare me"

"Yes! Mission accomplished!" he fist pump into the air

I roll my eyes at him and walked away from him

"Hey! Wait up!" he said as he jogged to me, walking beside me

"No need to be mad at me sweetheart"

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just annoyed by you"

"I thought you were already at the meadow?"

I  shrugged "I waited for my parents to fall asleep"

"You're a ninja"

"Yes, yes I am" I smiled at him

He scoffed "I'm a way better ninja than you"

I gasped at him "You are not a better ninja than me!"

"Yes, I am"

"No, you're not"

"Yes, I am"

"No, you're not"

"Yes, I am"

"No, you're not"

I huffed and cross my arm and he started laughing at me

"That's very mature of you"

I stuck my tongue out at him as a response

He just chuckled and continue walking in front of me and then he suddenly stopped, I walked straight into his back

"Ow..." I rubbed my nose

He sighed "You know what?"


"Do you want to have a little fun?"

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