Chapter 42

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"W-would you like for us just to be friends?"

"W-would you like for us just to be friends?"

"W-would for like for us just to be friends?"

I groan and slam my head against my pillow repeatedly. I can't stop thinking about Jason!

Since, yesterday he almost kissed me and asked me to be his friend, again. After he almost kissed me, i think we're gonna be more than friends

Do i want to be more than friends with Jason?

Does he just want to have fun in bed and just leave me afterwards?

Does he really wants to be in a serious relationship with me?

Does he even care about me?

Since, he turned his back on me. I definitely change my opinoin about him, i thought he was a sweet and caring that is just covering his whole personality because of his friends

But, now that i know the real Jason. My heart clenched in pain and disappointment from thinking about it, he was annoying yet sweet when i meet him and now a someone that i don't recognize anymore

I do like Jason and i read so many romance and teen fiction books. So, i kinda know about the whole butterflies situation when i'm around him, i still do get butteflies from thinking about him, right now

But, it has been a long time since, i had a crush on someone and i forgot the feeling of having a crush on someone after seeing his face when Thomas and his friends came, there was no denying that he's good-looking

With jet black hair and ocean blue eyes that can hypnotise you, sharp jawline and there were a few tiny scars on his face, long lashes that a girl would kill to have. Who wouldn't have a crush on him?

But, i'm definitely out of his league

Sighing and i decide rather than doing nothing, i rather look at my phone and check instagram, entering my password and pressing the instagram icon and looking through some of my classmates taking millions of selfies and of course, food. I drool from looking at the delicious looking chicken on my phone

I'm scrolling down the search menu and you what is the most pictures i can see from my search menu? People confessing about they're crushes and some of their crushes like them back and are dating now! While i, have a very complicated crush life

Putting my phone down and grabbing my texts books from my bag and start studying. Finals have already begin a week ago and i'm studying my butt of for this that means just one more week and Summer vacation!

Going downstairs and going to the kitchen, reaching up to the snack cabinet, i grab pringles and gummy bears and closing the cabinet, head upstairs

Putting the pringles at the end of the paragraph if i finish the paragraph i get a reward!

I start study, study, and study until around 2 p.m then i will take a break. Sighing as i start reading the paragraph

Well, after many hours of studying non-stop, i'm currently stumbling my way downstairs and i keep seeing words flying around me

Seeing that my parents aren't home and probably not gonna be home until really late

So, i decide to walk to my local supermarket and just buy some ingridients for my dinner and i could have a little fresh air

Well, my local supermarket is kinda far from my house and i have to drive my car to get there. I rarely drive my car since, i'm scared of driving and i could hurt someone but, i do have a driving license

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