Chapter 14

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I realize that I slept in stranger's clothes, when I borrow my friends clothes and most of the time never gave their clothes back

I snuggle in stranger's comfy clothes and occasionally sniff his hoodie, it smells like woods after rain and vanilla with a mix of cinnamon

Today is Saturday, so I can get up anytime I want and not be bothered, I cuddle with my stuff teddy bear, getting comfortable, I feel my eyes getting tired, slowly feeling myself getting sleepy, when sleep was about to consume me

Jordan jumps on to my bed "Addie! Wake up!" he shouts at me, while jumping up and down on my bed

I groan and chuck a pillow to my head, hoping this was all a dream

"Addie! Come on! Wake up!" he grab my blanket away from me

I shot up from my bed "Hey! I was sleeping!"

He shook his head at me "Girl, it's 1 in the afternoon and you're telling me, that all you've done is sleep"

"Yes, why did you bring a backpack?"
I look at him, curiously

He took off his backpack, put it down and unzip the zipper, he held disney DVD's in his hand "Were gonna watch the lion king tonight!"

This is one of the reasons why I love Jordan is that he seems to be the cold and unapproachable outside but, when you get to know him, his childish, funny and energetic, I guess that you can't really jugde a book by its cover

You really can't jugde stranger by his looks too, you know

I shook my head, why do I keep thinking about stranger?

Jordan pulls out a bunch of snacks oreos, sour patch kids, M&M's, cotton candy, skittles, I heard the angles in heaven singing when Jordan pulled out the peanut butter cups

"How did you get all of these snacks?"

"Bought them"

"Does you mom know?"

He shook his head, Jordan wasn't allowed to eat alot of candy because, he can literally jump on walls if he ate way too much candy

One time, when we're little we got invited to a birthday party and there was a piñata and when the piñata was open, Jordan went crazy on candy, he ate all of the candy and the other kids cry and Jordan being Jordan, he has to rub it in their faces, he literally jump on a table and said "Haha! You guys didn't get any candy, you're all losers! Guess what? I'm still hungry since there isn't any candy, I'm just gonna all of you!" he chases all of the little kids at the party and that's the day we got banned from going to birthday party's

I silently laugh at that memory, Jordan look at me like I was crazy "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about the day we banned from going to birthday party's"

Jordan chuckled "That was a fun day but, now come on we have to watch lion king!"

He grab my hand and sat down at the couch, Jordan went and put the dvd into the dvd player, he grab my blanket and put it over us, I snuggle into the blanket and even before the movie starts Jordan has already begun to eat the snacks

"You eat like a pig"

"Yes, I may eat like a pig but, I am a fabulous pig" he pretend to flip his imaginary long hair at me

I snort at him, as the movie begin either of us said a word only focusing on the movie

I guess you know the term 'time flies' while it sure feels like it when your with your best friend

And stranger too

Jordan pack all his things, giving me a hug first "Bye, Addie I had a fun time"

"Bye, Jordan" I wave at him goodbye, I close the door behind me and I realize Jordan had left some of his snacks behind

Stranger, I hope you like candy because you and me are gonna have one hectic night


Hi guys! This is my very first author's note, I just want to thank all the people who have read, vote and comment on my story it means so much to me so, thank you!

I just want to let you guys know, that I won't be updating next week because I have exams....


Anyway I hope you guys understand and if you like this chapter

Please do vote and comment, it makes my day

Thank you and goodbye! -K

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