Chapter 37

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I woke up in bed, my body sore all over. I tried to get up but, my body protested and i groan in pain

Probably, you're wondering how did i get home? Well, i limped my way home and even when i limped my way home, some kid yelled 'Zombie!' While pointing at me

I get up and hiss in pain but, tried to hide the pain and limping to my mirror

Blue and purple bruises covered my arm and my thight, i lift up my shirt and cringe at the sight of my big purple and blue bruise covering my stomach

Limping my way to the shower, i took a hot shower to help ease my muscles and maybe try to not think about what happend last night

I got out the shower and drying myself with my towel and pick out an outfit that can cover my bruises

I choose a light-wight baby pink sweter with light washed denim jeans and white converse

Grabbing my backpack and head downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast and she smile at me "Good morning, Sweetie"

"Morning" I said, smiling back at her

"Here, eat your breakfast then go to school" She said, giving me my plate of breakfast

Infront of me is scrambled egg with bacon and frech toast, my mouth drool over my mom's cooking and quickly dug into my breakfast

After i finished my breakfast, i gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and head off to school

Today, i'm not gonna lie. I'm nervous of what Thomas can do to me, scared that Stranger will beat me up again while, the others just watch me suffer

I shook my head

Think positive, Adeline! Maybe, they won't be at school today


I walk infront of the gates of school and shiver went down my spine, cold sweat starting to appear on my forehead. I took a deep breath and slowy walk into the school

I took slow and hesitant steps to school, look to left to see people talking their friends and look to my right to see most of them have their eyes glued to their phones

I sigh in relief, i made my way to my locker to grab my binder and i heard people whispering around me

"It's the girl from the video!"

"Who is she? I've never seen her before"

"She's the one who pranked Thomas and his friends!"

"Did you see the video?"

"Yeah, it was awesome!"

"That's the girl who Jason is hanging out with over the past month"

"What's so interesting about her?"

"Is that why he never goes to parties anymore?"


"She's probably hangs out with Jason to get popular"

"She's not that pretty, what did Jason in her anyway?"

"People say that he ditched parties to hang out with her"

"No way! Jason never missed a party!"

"She probably has slept with Jason"

"Such a whore!"

I didn't understand the last thing they whispered about me. Basically, most of the girls in our school have already lost their virginity, while i haven't. And they're calling me a whore? That just doesn't make any sense

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