Chapter 13

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I saw stranger standing infront of me in the distance, one of his hand carrying a backpack and the other one in his pocket, I slowly walked to him, his back facing me, I grabbed his shoulders and scream, he stumble and fell to the ground, he took big deep breaths before opening his eyes "You scared the hell out of me!" he shouted

I laugh at him, poor stranger "That's not funny! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

I wipe the tear from my eye and went over to him "It's payback for all the scaring you did to me"

I noticed the backpack he was carrying "You brought a backpack?"

"Yeah" he said, his eyes glint with mischief

Somethings going to happen

He stood up from the ground, dust off his black jeans and playfuly glaring at me, while I just chuckled at him, he grabbed his backpack and unzipped it to reveal two water guns

I raise an eyebrow at him "Really?"

He nods his head "We came here and talk but, today is going to be different, so we're gonna have a water gun battle!"

My eyes widened at his statement "I didn't bring extra clothes"

He chuckled "Don't worry, I brought an extra pair of hoodie and sweatpants for you"

He offered me a water gun and I hesitantly accept it "Okay, so basically we do rock paper scissors and who wins gets to hide first and who loses has to count to 5 and closes their eyes, got it?

I nod my head at him

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!" As our  hands are infront of each other , I silently curse to myself, I look to see he did paper while I did rock

"Yes! I win!" he pumped his fist into the air

"1!" I shouted, as I closed my eyes

"2!" I heard his foot steps running searching for a place to hide

"3!" Slowly the sound of his foot steps disappear

"4!" The sound of his foot steps suddenly stops

"5!" As I open my eyes, he's gone or more like hiding

"Great, now I have to find him" I mumbled to myself, I held his water gun in hand slowly walking into the direction I think he headed? The grass in the meadow are pretty tall so you can hide anywhere

Suddenly, the sound of a dead grass being stepped on filled my ears, I turned around to see.... Nothing

I feel like I'm in a horror movie, where the girl is running away from the killer and the killer chases the girl, the girl will constantly trips over everything

When, I was in daze stranger jump out of his hiding stop, infront of me and shoot his water gun at me "Are you serious?!"

"Yes, I am" his eyes glint with amusement

I smirk at him "You're gonna pay for that" 

I ran to him and shoot him with the water gun, he tried to block my attack but, he failed miserably

"Thanks sweetheart, now I'm soaking wet" gesturing to his now wet clothes

I giggle at him "You're welcome"

His eyes glint with mischief "Now, for revenge"

I held up his water gun and smirk "I don't think so stranger"

When, I shoot his water gun no water came out, oh no I'm out!

He chuckled "That's what I thought, sweetheart"


So I did, ran as fast as I could, I thought I was running fast suddenly, stranger tackle me to the ground and he landed on top of me "I admit that you're fast, sweetheart but, not as fast as me"

I pouted "It's because you have longer legs"

He chuckled then stood up offering his hand to me and I accept, suddenly stranger point his water gun at me "Sorry, sweetheart revenge is revenge"

He shoot his water gun at me, until I was soaking wet "Thanks, stranger"

Then, a gust of wind hit us, my teeth were chattering from how cold it was, stranger notice and quickly grabbed me his hoodie and sweatpants "Take it, I know it's cold you can give it back some other time"

"Thanks" I change behind a tree, his hoodie reached my knees and his sweatpants covered were to big on me, rather putting on the sweatpants even though it's too big or stranger looking down my legs, I will with the first one, I slowly walked to stranger to see he has already changed

"Tonight was fun, thanks stranger" I smile to him

"No problem, sweetheart"

I secretly take a smell of his hoodie, it smells like woods after rain and a mix between vanilla and cinnamon, it smells amazing, suddenly stranger look at me "You are starting to grow on me, sweetheart"

I smile "You too stranger, you too"

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