When Miss Nobody Meets Mr.Emo

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"Beep, beep, beep," My alarm clock sounded. I groaned.

"Shut up!" I yelled, smacking it over and over. Finally I unplugged it. My Mom came bursting through my door.

"Get up!" She said.

"No!" I whined.

"You're going to be late for your first day!" She said.She was talking about high-school. I'm a senior. I mumbled something even I didn't understand. Next thing I knew, she was spraying me with a water bottle, like some dog.

"Stop it," I groaned.

"Up!" Was all she said.

"I'm up," I said, still lying in bed with my eyes closed.

"Your eyes aren't open!" She sprayed me some more.

"Fine," I said, getting up. She smiled, satisfied. I snatched the spray bottle from her, and sprayed her over and over, making her go out the door. I threw the water bottle out the door, slamming it. I dragged my feet to my closet, and looked for something to wear.

"Hm..." I said, thinking to myself.

I settled on a pair of gray skinny jeans, a purple shirt, and purple high-tops. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and straightened my hair. After that, I did my make-up. A little purple eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and black mascara. I sighed, and grabbed my school bag, walking down the stairs.

"Bye, Mom," I yelled, walking out the door, not waiting for a reply.

I started walking to school. It wasn't too far, so I always walked. The school came into view, as did some of the students I remember from last year. Including, Sara and her gang. She was the "It" girl. Bleach-blond, fake of course; She always wore so much make-up she looked like a clown. I think she would look better if she took a paint-brush, and slapped it on.

"Ha! Looks who's back: Miss Freak," She said, and all her posse' laughed.

I rolled my eyes, and walked away.

"Everybody, please report to the gym for a meeting," The principal said, from the speakers above.

Everybody started walking to the gym. They do this every year. The principal embarrasses all the new students back making them stand up in front of all 572 of us. I took a seat at the end of one of the bleachers.

"Okay, if all the new students would please stand," The principal said.

Around fifty students stood. This is going to take a while. The principal looked like he was counting the students, and then said, "Where is River Evans?"

I looked around and saw a guy slip down further in his seat. The principal noticed.

"Please stand, Mr.Evans,"He said.

The boy reluctantly stood.

"Say your name," The principal said.

"Why do I have to say it? You already said it," He said.

"Say it, Mr.Evans," The principal said.

"River Evans," River muttered. Everybody laughed.

The principal was unsatisfied, but continued. I stared at River, and he caught my glance. He held it for a few seconds, then turned his cold, ice eyes away. I shivered.

"Okay, that's everyone? Let's go to class," The principal said.

I stood up, grabbed my bag, and went to my first class: Algebra.

Someone bumped into me, making me drop all of my books.

"Watch where you're going," I spat.

I looked up, and saw that boy...River Evans. He caught my eye for a second, then shifted his gaze away.

"Sorry," He muttered, barely audible.

He swiftly picked my books up, and handed them to me, running off before I could say "Thank you."

I walked in the classroom and took a seat at the back, in the far corner. I looked up, and River Evans walked in. I smiled.

"Are you River Evans?" The teacher asked; River nodded.

"Well, class, make Mr.Evans welcome," The teacher said, smiling slightly.

A paper ball hit River in the face. My mouth fell open, I looked back and Jason, Sara's boyfriend, was smiling smugly.

Everyone started laughing, I think I even saw the teacher chuckle. Anger flashed through his eyes, but he picked up the ball and threw it in the trashcan. He quickly walked to the seat beside me.

I let my black hair fall into a wall between us.

Even though all the other seats were either in the front of the classroom, or beside the snotty people, I was still surprised he'd sat beside me.

I grabbed my notebook and started doodling.

I looked through my hair at River; he was staring blankly ahead.

I shifted my eyes back to my paper, sighing.

I looked around the lunch room, sighing. I walked to a table.

My table.

The same one I've sat at for two years. I looked around the room for one person. And, I spotted him. He was sitting with 3 other guys.

I sighed and took a bite of my sandwich.

"I'm home!" I yelled, walking through the door.

"How was your day, Honey?" My Mom asked.

"Eh. Pretty boring when you have no friends," I replied. She frowned, and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie. You'll have lots of friends soon, trust me."

Yeah right.

I shrugged out of her grip, and walked up the stairs.

"Trust me!" She repeated.

I walked in my room, and laid on my bed.

I turned my iPod on and it started blasting "Dream On" by Aerosmith.

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