When Miss Nobody Meets Mr.Emo{x4}

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I ran over to where I heard the commotion coming from. I saw River surrounded by three guys, and he actually looked...scared.

"Scared, you freak?" One guy asked.

I felt anger boil in me. They started punching around on River, and I saw pain and fear in River's eyes. Even from here. I finally had enough and ran over. River's eyes widened when he saw me. I walked up to the guys, and stared them all dead in the eye, without even glancing at River.

"Can I help you?" I asked, menacingly

"Maybe," One guy said, winking.

I scoffed.

I think I just threw up a little...

I heard River mutter something from behind me.

"Stupid idiots," I muttered. One guy's hand came up and slapped my cheek. My head flew to the side, and I gritted my teeth together. My hands clenched into fists.

"Do that again-" River started, but I cut him off. I walked up to the guy that slapped me, and stared at him. I quickly brought my fist back, and it connected with his mouth.

"You little...You knocked my tooth out," He said, holding his mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

"You okay?" I asked, turning to River. He looked shocked. I felt a shadow move on my left, so I spun around, and smacked a guy, before he could get to me. River stepped up to help me, but I gently pushed him back.

Even from my soft touch, he flinched. I looked at him, confused. He just didn't look at me.

The last guy ran off, when I gave him a death glare. You're probably wondering how I took those guys down, right?

"How....How did you...," River trailed off, echoing my thoughts. I sighed.

"Well, when I was little, my Dad wanted me to be able to defend myself. And, not be a 'sissy girl.' So, he put me in a boxing class, and I excelled in it. Even at my age of six, I could take out thirteen year old's. Then, as the years passed, I kept getting better and better. Now, I can take out much of anything that steps in my path," I said, looking over at him. He had a funny look in his eye, and I saw him smile, slightly.

Then, suddenly, the smile turned down into a frown. He glared at me, and started jogging away from me.

"Aren't you at least going to say 'thanks'?" I yelled, but he didn't stop.

I felt tears fill my eyes. I sucked in a sharp breath, and started walking to my own house. I walked in the door, and slammed it shut. My mom came running, of course.

"What's wrong, Honey?"She asked, hugging me. I stayed silent.

"It's about a boy," She stated. Once again, I was silent. I sighed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I said. She nodded, and let go of me. I walked up the stairs, and to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, slipped out of my clothes, and stepped in. After ten minutes of being in the shower, I felt better.

Why in the world should I be like this over this guy?

It's crazy, and stupid.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened. I looked out from, behind the shower curtain.

"Hey, Mom," I said, awkwardly.

"Hey!" She said, happily.

"Er...Can I help you?" I asked.

"No, not really. Just wanted to see how you were doing," She said, shrugging.

"Okay. Well, um. There's this thing I like, called privacy," I said.

"Ha! I've seen every nook and cranny on you," She said, laughing and waving her hand like I was crazy.

"Leave!" I said, laughing.

"Fine. Fine," She said, walking out the door. I sighed and laughed, shaking my head.

I sighed, and got out of the shower.

River is not my main priority.

And, he's definitely not going to be on my mind.

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