Chapter x7

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My mom and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV, at around 8:45, when the doorbell rang.

"I'm coming!"I yelled, untangling myself from the blanket I was wrapped up in. When I finally stumbled to the door and opened it, no one was there.

"Hello? Anyone there?"I asked.

I stepped on the porch, and I almost took another step, but for some reason, I looked down first.

What's this?

I bent down and picked up a bouquet, of Forget-Me-Not's. There was a card.

It read, "I'm easy to forget, true. But, I hope you don't forget me, because I'll never forget you."

And, at the very bottom, in big letters, it read, "Please, forgive me. Love, River."

Tears filled my eyes.

"Aww,"I said, aloud.

I walked back in the house, gripping the flowers tightly.

"What are those?" My mom asked, I thought her face may explode, from how big her smile is.

"River," I muttered, it was inaudible.

"Who?" She asked, dragging out the 'ooo'.

"River," I said, loudly.

She squealed.

Woah, mom. No, let's not do that.

"Let me see, let me see, let me see!" She said, bouncing around. I sighed, and handed the flowers and card to her.

"Oh my God," She said, barely able to breathe.

She does know that's not for her, dosen't she?

She handed them back to me, and squealed again. Okay, I've had enough squealing, for today.

"Well, I'm going to go ahead and go to bed. School tomorrow," I said, walking up the stairs, flowers in hand.

"You never go to bed this early!" She replied, walking to the bottom step.

"Early to bed, early to rise. 'Night," I said, walking in my room, and closing the door.

I bit my lip, and fell back on the door, sliding down it. I played with a blue flower, that had fallen in my hand.

I've got to thank River tomorrow.

I layed my flowers, on my dresser, when my mom knocked on my door, and walked in.

"I know, I know. 'Early to bed, early to rise," She mimicked me. "But, I thought you could use this."

She handed me a vase, filled with water. I smiled.

"Thanks mom, good night," I replied, taking the vase.

"'Night," She said, walking out. I picked up the flowers, and placed them in the vase.

I set the vase, on my dresser, and looked at them. I sighed, and started to put on my pajamas.

But, first something occurred to me.

How did he even get my address?

I woke up, and I actually did feel refreshed. I guess that 'early to bed, early to rise' junk is true.

I picked out my clothes, I made it something a little prettier than what I usually wear. The only black thing I had on was my hair band, and bracelets. The rest was purple, green, and blue.

I grabbed my messenger back, and ran down the stairs.

"Bye, mom," I said, kissing her cheek, and running out. I heard a reply, but I had already left.

I ran down the sidewalk, occasionally tripping, over stupid rocks. I finally made it to school, and ran inside. I looked around.

No River. He must already be in class.

I walked to Algebra. I really wanted to run, but that might make me look a little psycho.

I walked in, expecting to see River, and guess what.

No River.

Maybe he's just late.

I sat at the lunch table, picking my pizza.

He is seriously late, if he's just late.

I looked over to the table he usually sat at, and he wasn't there. I groaned internally.

This boy is going to turn me into a stalker.


I walked out of school, and went onto my adventure of stalking.

"So, River's sick?" Some guy asked.

I stopped in my tracks.

So, the stalking starts here.

"Yeah, I don't know with what. But, he's sick," One of his friends said.

Okay, so he's sick.

And, he's gonna get a little visit from me.

"Ugh," I groaned, as I ran down the sidewalk. I've already been to thirty-three houses, harassing the people who lived in them.

I walked up to a house, and knocked. The door opened.

"Hi, is River Evans here?" I asked.

"No, dear. I've never heard of him," The elderly lady said. I sighed, then smiled.

"Thank you," I replied, and ran off her porch.

My phone rang.

"Hello," I said, out of breath.

"Yes, is this Carter Lynn?" A man asked.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Well, we just wanted to call and inform you that the position you were trying to get, at Hot Topic, has been taken. But, we'll inform you if another one opens up," The man said.

I looked at my watch. Crap, today was the day of the Hot Topic interview. And, that was two hours ago.

"Okay, thank you," I said, and hung up.

"Ugh!" I said. Today wasn't my day.

I ran to another house, and knocked on that door.

No answer.

I knocked louder. I heard a little girl yell something, but still no door was being opened.

I knocked so loud, and screamed, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Then, all of a sudden, the stalkee himself opened the door.

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