Chapter x8

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"Carter?" River asked, clearly confused.

"Uh, yeah. Hey," I said, smiling, slightly.

"What...What are you doing here?" He asked, still confused.

"Well, I, uh, got some flowers....from you," I said, looking down. "And, I wanted to thank you for them, but you weren't at school. So..." I trailed off.

"So, you had to be a stalker?" He said, grinning, ear-to-ear.

"Kinda," I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, um, do you wanna come in?" He asked, rubbing his neck.

I laughed. "Sure," I said, nodding.

He backed up, so I could come in, and he shut the door. A little girl ran to me. She looked to be four or five. Her hair was coal black, and in two pigtails. And, she had the same striking blue eyes as River.

"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes, turning into the same glare River gave me the first day we met.

"Abigail, be nice," River warned.

I bent down to her level, and looked in her eyes. "My name's Carter," I said, with a smile.

She gave a stiff nod, then walked off.

I stood up straight, and looked at River.

"My sister," He confirmed, before I could even say anything.

I nodded. "She looks an awful lot like you," I replied. The side of his mouth turned up in a slight smile.

"So, this is your house," I said, awkwardly.

"What would make you think that?" He said, laughing, and walking into the other room.

"Well, that wasn't rude, or anything. Just walk off, when you have a guest," I said, putting my hands on my hips, and following him.

"First; I don't consider you a guest. Second; You're the one who came here, uninvited, stalker," He replied, harshly.

And, I actually thought we were having some kind of moment. Stupid me.

"Seriously. I think you're bipolar. I mean, you bring me flowers, then, when I come to thank you for them, you chew me out," I replied. "And, you call me a stalker. But, I don't recall telling you where I lived. Care to explain that?" I asked.

He hesitated, and looked away. "I guessed," He replied.

"Ha! Yeah, that's believable," I said, laughing.

"Well, at least I didn't come barging in your house."

"You freaking invited me in!" I yelled.

"And, you accepted. Care to explain that?" He asked.

"You know what? You're psycho," I said, calmly. "And, I'm done."

He stared at me, with cold eyes.

I opened the door, and walked out; not looking back.

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