Chapter 18

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Zack's P.O.V

We worked throughout the night and to say I was tired is an understatement. After basically fixing the whole plan and making sure it's fool proof we decided to go watch a movie and fell asleep on the couch halfway through.

"Aww look they bonded. Oh this is amazing"

"Shh you're gonna wake them, they're tired"

"Oh I need a picture of this, come on"the voices drifted away and soon it was quiet again, my mind filling with dreams once again as I slowly slipped back into dreamland. I slept for about 10 minutes until a new set of voices appeared.

"One two three. Go!"next thing I knew something jumped onto me, knocking the wind out of me. My eyes shot open and out of reflex I grabbed the unknown person's arm and flung them over the couch and onto the ground where I straddled them with my hands on their neck, until I saw who it was.

"Peace"Sam held up a peace sign and in the background Drake's laughter filled my ears. Somehow Zaira is still sleeping through all this and they quickly kept quiet once they realised so.

"Dude that was like the best thing ever. No get off her or I'll whack you through the face with an ax"chuckling I climbed off Sam and sat down next to Zaira's sleeping form. Her mouth was slightly parted and her hair disheveled, a droplet of drool was hanging from her mouth. Grace stepped into the room and came up to me, snuggling into my chest like I'm a teddy bear and closing her eyes. She looked almost like Zaira, but beautiful in so many ways still.

"Okay so what we doing today, I'm bored already"Sam groaned falling dramatically into Drake's arms after she spoke.

"We can go to the pool"Zaira's voice suddenly filled the room, causing me to jump slightly in my seat.

"Yeah let's go"Grace mumbled into my chest, giggle softly.

"That's a good idea"Sam was standing upright now, hugging Drake's side. He was awfully quiet and I've realised he doesn't talk much around me. Was there something wrong with me, well I wouldn't know.

"Okay we all go and get changed then we meet each other there at about 11."

"Sounds good"We all got up from our places and went to our rooms to change. I was really looking forward to this chill time, it's something I've really been needing but with everything that has been going on I haven't even had time to spend with Grace.

When 11 rolled around, I went back downstairs and found everyone already at the pool. Some of the other pack members were there as well and it filled my heart with joy watching them play around and enjoy themselves for a while. This whole thing has been though on the whole pack and I hated that I was the cause of it all, but seeing them now as they played and went on with their lives made me slightly less worried about what the future might hold.

"It's something, isn't it. The way they are still happy without a care in the world"I didn't notice Zaira was standing beside me and it took me a while to realise she can feel it all, sometimes she feels more than my mate actually and it makes me feel guilty for some reason.

Grace was tanning near the edge of the pool, with Sam listen to music a few inches away and Drake playing with the kids in the water. I saw Sam looking at him a few times and everytime a small smile slipped onto her face, it was nice seeing her this happy something she truly deserved.

Zaira walked over to them and quickly took a spot near them, reading a novel written by Amy Ewing. I sighed softly and decided it was time to join them, Grace was the first to notice me and instantly a smile appeared on her face. This magnificant smile that made butterflies appear in my stomach and my brain to go all fuzzy, my lips pulling upward to greet her as well and my heart pumping faster and faster as I neared. She was truly beautiful and I couldn't ask for someone better in life, someone who will truly always be by my side and never let go.

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