Taken (Ch 6)

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"It's cold here, take me someplace warm," Frisk interjects. "Someplace warm huh? Okay follow me~." I like a pet with a lot of attitude. Lust grins, he has an idea.

Frisk has gotten themselves into something they really should not have. In Lust's domain, its 'Fuck or Get Fucked'. Lust takes this rule to the next level, that being said, Frisk is playing with heated fire and is about to get burned.

"Cold are yah? I'll make you warm pet, in a way just for you," Lust thought to himself. "Come along now, don't want to catch a cold now do we pet?" The two walk in the direction of Grillbyz. Lust stops a moment in front of the strip club to think, he then continues to walk at a faster pace twords his house. Frisk is caught off guard by his sudden change of pace, they are falling behind. "Wait, Lust! I can't walk that fast, slow down!" they shout. Lust pays no attention to Frisks request, he acts as though they had said nothing. Lust reaches the skelebro's house before Frisk and quickly teleports to his brother's room upstairs, he is instantly greeted by an unhappy papyrus. "SANS! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP TELEPORTING INTO MY ROOM!?" Papyrus exclaims blushing slightly, as his member was able to be seen just outside of his pants. Moments before Lust had teleported into his brother's room, papyrus had been thinking about Mettaton and had been subconsciously pleasing himself to the thought. "Sorry Pap, let me explain. I found a little lost kitten while i was hunting for those sluts that beat you up. They aren't injured but they need a place to stay. when they get here send them to my room." before papyrus had the chance to respond there was *A flash of purple and a swoosh* Lust was gone.

Papyrus quickly fixed himself up and headed for the kitchen, he was confused and unsure about what Lust had meant, but continued down to the kitchen anyways. Moments later Frisk was knocking on the tall oak door, they appeared to be tired as they were knocking so lightly. Papyrus stopped what he was doing and headed for the door, when it opened a crying Frisk could be seen, they were ice cold and shivering. "P-papy?" was all that they had managed to say before passing out.

In the brief moment that Lust had stopped in front of Grillby's, Frisk had become curious as to why he hadn't gone in. Frisk slowed their pace to see what he had been looking at, whilst they were staring at Grillby's, Lust had picked up his pace and was practically running towards his house. It took Frisk a moment to realize that Lust was moving again. "Wait, Lust! I can't walk that fast, slow down!" It was too late, he was already past the librarby. Tired from both the cold and running, Frisk trudges through the snow. As they pass a dark alley way, they were hit with what felt like a snowball. "Ow! H-hello, who threw that?" No answer "I k-know someone is sneaking arou-" Suddenly becoming lethargic, Frisk decides they should really be heading to the skelebro's house, walking sloppily as they do so. (you know the rest)

After passing out in Papyrus's arms, Frisk mumbles something "S-san...mn mifs oo, mn ary" this confused Papyrus further. "POOR THING, THEY LOOK TERRIBLE, NOT TO WORRY! I THE IRRESISTIBLE PAPYRUS SHALL KEEP YOU SAFE." Recalling what Lust had told him, he gingerly picks the human up and carefully heads up the stairs to his brother's room. Once in the room Papyrus lays Frisk on Lust's bed and covers them up in the warmest blanket he can find, the human lets out a soft sigh of contentment. As Papyrus starts to tuck Frisk in he notices the spot where the "snowball" had hit them, it doesn't look good, they're bleeding. Panic ensues, Papyrus does the only thing he can think of...calling Mettaton.


"Darling calm down, are they still breathing?"


"I'm coming over, we will be there soon. Make sure their soul is still in one piece."


5 Minutes later...

Alphys arrives with Mettaton, Papyrus eagerly opens the front door and leads them to where the unconscious human lies. Alphys takes out a stethoscope and sets it against Frisk's chest "T-they are breathing a-and don't s-seem to be in too much p-pain. Where are they bl-bleeding from?" Alphys asks. It takes a moment for papyrus to respond, he is not used to human's bodily functions "ON THEIR HEAD, THERE." He points to a small nub that has appeared on Frisk's head. Almost immediately Alphys's expression turns from concern to realization. "Papyrus, I know e-exactly what has happened here. The h-human isn't hurt, they are...they a-are turning into a n-neko..." Both Papyrus and Mettaton look at each other confused and say "A WHAT!?" "A h-human cat, and I know e-exactly who did this t-to them." Mettaton gives a concerned look "You can fix them right, like you fixed me?" Alphys looks down and sighs, "n-no, I c-can't, it will wear off eventually b-but for now they are stuck like t-this. Knowing that there isn't much more that any of them can do at the moment, Papyrus and Mettaton split off to go on a date. Alphys, well Alphys is going to work on a cure anyways, aswell as hunt down where Lust sans has gone off to. A half an hour passes and Frisk comes to their senses, at this point Frisk might as well be a full fledged neko, They sport a big poofy tail and soft silky ears to match. "Wh-where am I?" Frisk thinks to themselves "Lust, I was following him...to his house? ugh, everything's so...so vivid." They look around the room and realize that they are in his bedroom, Lust's bedroom. "Now i remember, that stupid jerk ran off without me! What the hell!? why am I even here, I have got to stop waking up in his damn room!" Frisk is overcome with emotion, they keep getting knocked out and always end up in the same place...just like their relationship with their Sans(or so they think). Frisk somehow manages to find a reflective surface in Lust's dirty room, only to catch a glimpse of their new self. "Great now I'm a fucking cat...Sans is never going to like me like this." They spoke aloud.

Little did they know that Lust had teleported into the room moments before they had become conscious, it wasn't until now that Lust made himself known. "So, you think i won't like you like this my little play toy, or should I say 'kitten'?" Not believing what they had just heard, Frisk turns around to find a smug faced Lust sitting on his bed with a blindfold in hand. "It's about time someone trained you. . . P E T."

Hoi! Your friendly neighborhood Neko here, I know that I haven't been a very good author chan but i really hope that this chapter and the next make up for that. I must give an extra special thanks to GreatestReader2004! They really helped to keep me writing this book and give me ideas. Just thanks so much, all of you; I love all of you sinners out there!

Neko out, chao! <3

Word count: 1256!

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