Chapter 17

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Whilst we were out shopping the boys had gone to pick out a Christmas tree so when we arrive back at the apartment Zoe insists that everyone gets into Christmas jumpers to decorate the tree.

Of course, being a house full of YouTubers, we could not decorate the tree without multiple cameras. Once there is one big camera set up we start decorating. 

About halfway through the process I am in fits of laughter on the ground with Zoe's vlogging camera pointed towards me as Marcus wraps Alfie and Joe together with a string of flashing fairy lights. As they struggle to untangle themselves Zoe whispers in Marcus' ear before shooing him away. What on earth is that about?

As the boys finally break free Zoe turns her camera on again and starts talking.

"Now, we have a bit of an early Christmas present for the newest member of this crazy household. All four of us chipped in and.." she turns the camera towards the door as Marcus walks back in. "Here it is!" she says excitedly as he holds out a box wrapped in red and green paper to me.

"Merry Christmas!" they all shout surprisingly in sync.

I feel my cheeks flush as Zoe turns her camera to me and I take the box. It's quite heavy. I give it a little shake and no sound escapes so it must be pretty tightly packed.

"Go on, open it!" Zoe grins.

I carefully pull open the side of the paper, careful not to rip it.

"My goodness! Just rip it open!!" Joe says impatiently a smile shows that he too is quite excited.

What the hell could it be that has them this excited?

I give in and rip into the wrapping. Tearing it all off in a second. On the box was a picture of a camera. A rather fancy one at that. CANON EOS 700D Single Lens Kit was printed across it. It looks expensive as hell.

"You guys didn't hav-"

I'm cut off by Zoe who is still recording me. "It's for you to start your own channel. It was Joe's idea. Because you have to live with this crazy lot he thought you might fit in more if you made videos too."

I feel my eyes begin to well up slightly. Never have I felt more at home than I do here. Back home I was more of a nuisance than a family member. Sure, they bought me gifts, but they were only really to keep me preoccupied while my parents were busy at the office.

"This must have cost you so much though.." I say, wiping the stray tear that has fallen down my cheek.

"It's not about the money.. We just want you to be a part of this crazy YouTube fam love." Zoe says, a grin plastered on her gorgeous face.

"I love you guys, I really do." I say, really, truly meaning it. They are the closest thing I have to a family and I feel incredibly honoured to be a part of this crazy mismatched group.

"Group hug!" Alfie shouts and pulls us all in for a hug. We are interrupted by the doorbell. I glance at the clock on the wall. It reads 5:05.

"That must be Harry," I say as we break away from the hug.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Joe asks loudly and Zoe whacks him on the arm. Joe glares at her angrily. Why is he even angry? Harry is my friend and it's none of his business really. 

"He's taking me sightseeing." I say, heading towards the door and down the hallway.

I open the front door to find Harry. He's dressed warmly in a long black coat and white scarf paired with a pair of extremely tight black skinny jeans.

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