Jack- 50K Special

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Soppy moment time once again.. Thank you all soooooooooo much for 50,000 reads!! I swear, I have the BEST readers on the whole of Wattpad. 

You are all so incredibly supportive and your support is what keeps me writing and loving what I am doing. I love you all so much and words cannot express my excitement right now. 

The shear thought of the fact that the chapters of my story have been read more than 50,000 times is unbelievable and I really cannot thank you all enough. 

I love you all and hope you enjoy this special <3

Riley's POV

I can see the light in Jack's eyes slowly fading as each day goes on. 

When I first met him in Year 7 Jack was a bright, happy boy with so many dreams and aspirations. Now I watch on as he struggles to make it through to the next day.

I know I should do something. Tell someone about his 'dad' but he would never forgive me. Jack doesn't want anyone knowing what his father does to him. He would rather cover up the bruises and pretend like nothing is going on.

On this particular day Jack didn't turn up to school. I was worried. Worried that something really bad had happened to him. My worries were well reasoned.

Jack showed up that afternoon at my house with a huge bruise covering the left side of his face. His eye was swollen shut and I gasped as I took in his appearance.

"H-he did this to you?" I stutter as I lightly caress the side of his face.

Jack winces at my touch and nods.

I feel the familiar wet tears on my cheeks as I examine Jack's face. His father normally avoids the face. He might be a chronic alcoholic but he does think logically.

"We have to tell someone." I say, reaching for my phone on my nightstand. Jack's fingers dart out and wrap around my wrist, stopping me before I can grab my cellphone.

"Don't. Please. They'll take him to jail." He pleads, looking at me with his one good eye.

"Jack! He has to. He can't do this to you anymore. It's breaking you."

"Please Riley. Don't do it. I'll do something about it. I just don't want you to get in the middle of this. It's my problem, not yours."

I frown, I really hate it when he says that. We're supposed to be a team. His problems are my problems and he just doesn't realise it. I would leave him alone if I could but I just can't. I'm in too deep.

"I just want to help you.." I murmur, looking down at my hands which are linked in front of me.

"Help me by leaving it be. There's nothing you can do."

There's nothing I can do.

There can't possibly be nothing I can do. I need to help him. That's what a girlfriend is supposed to do. 

Well, turns out he was right. There was nothing I could do.


It's short but there you go. Next chapter should hopefully be up tonight. Enjoy this for the meantime :)

Love you all!! xx

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