If I Die Young

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Raid caught the smoking Aerialbot, his arms crudely stopping Skydive's fall from half a mile high in the sky. His optics's quick scan of his brother showed that many of his circuits were damaged and a few, like his weapons component system, were completely fried. Noticing that he was still in sight of Decepticon anti-air artillery, Raid flew the two of them down to the ground within an Autobot zone and laid Skydive on the ground, yelling for a medic the whole time.

He was startled when the bookbot grabbed his arm and pulled the prankster close to him. Skydive coughed and smiled. Raid was smiled back.

"That was one slag of a show, 'Dive! At least you were the last flyer standing. Ha! The other 'Con fliers were destroyed by their artillery long before they targeted you."

Skydive stopped smiling as his frame-wracking coughs took over again. Air Raid saw that there were sparks coming from his brother's frame at multiple places. Scrap. This isn't good at all. He started yelling "MEDIC!!!" again.

Skydive's servo tried to reach for his own, and Raid grabbed it firmly. As they saw each other, optic to optic, Skydive spoke in that elegant, slick voice of his that made Air Raid tremble.

"Raid, send my history volumes to Rewind. He'll know what-"

He froze. The white Aerialbot had started tearing up, realizing that his brother was slowly going. Skydive scowled at this and berated Raid.

"Don't you dare cry in front of me! Just do me a favor and annihilate the 'Cons you see. Make history of them, the type that I love to read and type about. Remember, you're an Aerialbot, and you know what that means.."

The bookbot's optics faded and Air Raid cried even harder as he held the servo of a brother who he loved and had done the same to him. He stared at the black and red frame of Skydive and muttered the phrase which they had once treasured as a catchphrase of their own.

"...Aerialbots forever..."

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