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Aquastreak belongs to me. If anyone wants to use her, ask me beforehand.
"You think you could show me your holoform?" Aquastreak asked and smiled innocently. Lightspeed found he couldn't say no when she smiled like that and soon enough, there was a five foot ten male with cherry red hair reaching his knees pulled into a ponytail, red long sleeved v-neck, blue jeans, red converse, and blue glasses standing on the red mech's shoulder. Aquastreak looked at the holoform in amazement. "That's so cool!" She exclaimed as she poked the holoform's stomach. The reaction from the holoform was to look as she poked and place his hands on his stomach when her digit pulled away. "What's his name?" "Liam Carter. His story is that he was born, so to speak, on the day his parents bonded. He managed to skip three grades in school. When he was fourteen stellar cycles old, his parents had a second son and then a third two stellar cycles later. All the names of his family starts with the letter L. Him and his family are from Kalamazoo, Michigan. And he's allergic to most food and drink," Lightspeed told. The smile on Aquastreak's faceplate grew. Next thing Lightspeed knew, there was another figure on his shoulder other than his holoform. He looked to see a brown haired and blue eyed female who's hair reached her shoulders and is wearing a plain white t-shirt, blue and white varsity jacket, blue jeans, and blue sneakers. The two bots watched as Liam and the other human interacted, smiling, laughing, talking, etc.. "Her name is Amara Sampson. She's his childhood best friend and lover, being only one stellar cycle younger than him. Amara grew up with five older siblings and a younger one. Her sire wasn't exactly the nicest around, unlike her carrier. No allergies, luckily..." Blue optics hidden by a blue visor look at the blue femme. "Wait... When you say lover, do you mean..." Lightspeed couldn't seem to find what he wanted to say. Luckily Aquastreak knew what he was implying for she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, as Amara did with Liam. The Technobot could feel his faceplate heating up as Liam blushed. Both mech and holoform gave a shy, loving smile. "Would you, uh, would you be willing to bond to me?" Lightspeed asked as the holoforms disappeared. Aquastreak looked at him in surprise first, then happiness. "Yes, of course!" She exclaimed. A smile crossed Lightspeed's faceplate at her response.

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