What Brothers Are For

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Flynn was in his room while Harry was getting his stuff together. Samuel and Gordon were helping while Bialy was elsewhere. Where it was Harry was going was to join the military in a different country. None of his younger brothers liked it and two accepted it for his sake. When the blue haired male was just about to leave the porch, a smaller male with crimson hair flew past Gordon and Samuel to latch himself to the back of his eldest brother. "Big brother, wait up!" Harry stopped and steadied himself before twisting to hug Flynn. "Hey Flynn," he said. "Don't go, please!" Flynn exclaimed. A soft sound escaped Harry. "You know I have to baby brother." His grip on Flynn tightened. He could feel Flynn's grip tighten. Soft sounds escaped the crimson haired male and it was realized that he was crying. "I don't want you to go," Flynn said through sobs. Harry's heart broke when he heard the crying. "Neither do I, but there's nothing I can do about it. This is what brothers are for." Samuel and Gordon pried their baby brother off Harry because they knew he was going to be late. Flynn was screaming the entire time they held him and watched Harry look at them with a sad expression before leaving.
Every day Harry was away, Flynn and the others would write him letters. Samuel's was usually updates and stuff; Gordon's was always about some adventure he went on; Bialy's was of how he almost got into trouble; Flynn's was of how he missed his big brother. Whenever the four got a letter from him, it was always one collective one that Samuel would read aloud. All four were sitting on the floor, Samuel with the letter in his hands. "What did he say?" Bialy asked impatiently. "Calm down," Samuel said.

Hey guys!
I'm sorry I can't come home yet. Didn't think it would take this long. Don't know if I've mentioned this before, but... I miss you guys. Haven't been able to sleep right without you all snuggled up to me. I wish I could be there right now and see you again, especially Flynn because knowing him, he's the most upset with all this. That and he's been telling me via the letters he's sending.
Gordon, you sure seem to be having fun. I'll have to join you on one of your adventures sometime after I get back... If I get back. Of course, you'd have to keep me on a leash in order for me to stay on track. Though, knowing you, I'm sure you won't mind.
Sammy, at least you're the most level-headed out of my brothers through all of this. I appreciate you updating me of what's going on back home. If you didn't, then I wouldn't know what I walked into if I came home. Keep it up little brother. You're doing great.
Bialy, I swear to purgatory you'll be sending me there with what you're doing. Know what? I wouldn't even be surprised to find you in Juvie if I came home right now. Just... Please promise me you'll stay out of trouble while I'm gone. I don't want to come home to find you in Juvie.
Flynn, this is what brothers are for. When I get home, the first thing I'm going to do is give you the biggest bear hug and never let you go.
Oh, by the way, apparently I got a package from the Adopt a Soldier program. Got things such as food, water, and gum. Apparently the family has a couple children because they gave me a couple toys. It was thoughtful, really. I'll see you guys when I get home.
                                                                       Harold Peake

Samuel looked up when he finished reading the letter. Bialy and Gordon had been smiling, but, when the sound of crying was heard, the two, along with Samuel, looked to Flynn to see him crying. "I wanna hug big brother and never let him go." "We know Flynn, we know," Samuel was saying as he hugged the younger male.
Two years after being sent off to war, Harry wheeled himself to the yard of the house he shared with his brothers. One of them was sitting on the porch, reading a book that rested in his lap. Rose red eyes looked to see it was Flynn. A smile crossed Harry's face and he called out to the younger. "Hey Flynn!" Sapphire blue eyes widened at hearing the voice and Flynn's head jerked up. Upon spotting Harry in the wheelchair, Flynn stood up slowly, discarding the book as his eyes welled up. "Big brother?" He asked. "Come here!" Smiling brightly, Flynn ran to the blue haired male and jumped into his lap, hugging him tightly. A set or arms wrapped around the younger in a tight bear hug. "I missed you so much big brother!" Flynn exclaimed as he snuggled up to Harry. The smile on Harry's face grew. "I missed you as well Flynn."

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