Aerialbots 50 Sentences

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Trigger warning: Suicide attempt
The sentences of Air Raid with a black and white femme: Air Raid and Skydive in an AU of mine.
I have no idea where the sparkling Fireflight found came from, but I'm keeping the kid.
Smokewing can be found over on my DeviantART account JettwinsFan.

1. Lightning

Silverbolt's optics glowed white hot and a scowl is seen on his faceplate as lightning shot out of his servo when it slammed into the Decepticon seeker that hurt one of his brothers.

2. Scare Tactic

All Skydive had to do was glare at the smaller mech and it would send them running.

3. Run

Slingshot was in a bad position to fight, so the first thing he did was he activated his thrusters and took off towards the Ark.

4. What?

Fireflight just stared in confusion; what did they just say?

5. Why?

Well, at least Air Raid had managed to keep the object in one piece, but at what cost?

6. Believe

"I'll believe," Silverbolt said through rugged intakes and looked at the visored Aerial; they're in battle and the two had been knocked out of the sky, "I'll believe when no one else will."

7. Numb

"I just... I just don't know anymore," Seff said, electric blue eyes looking at the ginger that is Sparky.

8. Job

"Are you sure about this?" Sparky asked and looked up at the blond as they stood outside of a newly built restaurant; the ginger would be applying for a job.

9. Womanizer?

"You should know by now I'd never cheat," Fireflight said.

10. Leave

"You... You're leaving?" Air Raid asked, hurt evident in his voice and on his faceplate.

11. Overcharged

How they managed to do this to Silverbolt, no bot had any clue, but there he was singing a terrible rendition of Monster by Skillet.

12. Dance

When no one was looking, Seff was a pretty fluid dancer.

13. Help

"I don't need or want you to help me with this," Slingshot growled at Brawn.

14. Remind

"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It just means you've held it in too long," Fireflight told a surprised Silverbolt with a smile.

15. Hunter

"I swear to Satan's asshole, I'll find what did this to you," Adam told his friend Niko.

16. Cuddly

Silverbolt certainly hadn't asked for it, yet there was Fireflight, pressed up against his side with his arms around the bigger flier.

17. Brother!

Seff was surprised when all of a sudden, his younger brother Farkas was in his arms.

18. Holding On

Slingshot was currently in critical condition and in the medbay, both Silverbolt and Fireflight freaking out; he had to pull through for them.

19. Sorry

"I didn't mean for it to happen," Fireflight told an enraged Protectobot helo.

20. Dreamer

Not saying anything, Air Raid placed his servos on Fireflight's shoulder plating, optics trained on the ground and coolant welling up in them.

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