Look At This Photograph

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If anyone could catch Scattershot off guard, then it would be a miracle. The other Technobots, as well as Magmaguard, Thunder Crash, Zodiac, Aquastreak, and Magnoblade, all tried to do so on multiple occasions. However, there was one time...
Lightspeed was sprawled on the couch in the Technobot common area, data pad in his servos, when Scattershot walked in. "Hey 'Speed," the red, maroon, and white mech greeted when he noticed an all too familiar red pede with a wheel attached to the outside ankle strut sticking off the side of the couch. Soon after, the upper half of the mech poked out from the top of the couch and a blue visor hiding blue optics looked at him. "Oh, hi Scatters," Lightspeed greeted. "What are you doing online?" Scattershot asked. "Shouldn't you be recharging with your mate and youngling?" There was a shrug from the red mech. "Was waiting for you to get back. Been looking at pictures in the meantime." The servo holding the data pad was held up. "Care to see some of them?" Deciding whether or not he should, it ultimately ended up with the Technobot leader sitting on the couch with Lightspeed, the latter quite literally leaning on him. The first picture was of Lightspeed, Nosecone, and Strafe snuggled in recharge shortly after the creation of the third Autobot Gestalt, a white helm and an orange helm resting on red chest plating while red arms wrapped around the two mechs. Scattershot chuckled a bit. "I remember that. They were intent on recharging with you because you're more comfortable." At that, Lightspeed smiled. "I have no doubts of that. Aquastreak and Magmaguard say the same thing." The red mech scrolled to the next picture, which is of Magnoblade holding Thunder Crash at five stellar cycles old. Thunder Crash didn't seem to be smiling while Magnoblade certainly was. "He was never really one for smiling for pictures," Scattershot said. "Never seemed to want to whenever we told him to." A nod from the red mech. Red digits scrolled to the next picture. Afterburner holding Magmaguard and not knowing what to do with her while her servos were extended towards him and making the grabby motion. Scattershot raised an optic ridge at that. "Does he even know this picture exists?" "He thinks it was deleted," Lightspeed told. "Ahh." "He has yet to discover it."
When Lightspeed hadn't responded after viewing a few more pictures, the Technobot leader looked to see that Lightspeed had fallen into recharge as his visor is dark and his servos fell into his lap. Scattershot shifted and placed an arm under the red mech's legs, the other finding its way around his back. With a soft sound, Scattershot stood up, picking up the recharging mech in the process and saying, "Let's get you to a berth." With that, the red, maroon, and white mech carried his brother to his room where Aquastreak and Magmaguard are already recharging on the berth. Once there, Scattershot placed Lightspeed in between the two and plucked the data pad from his brother's servos, walking to his room where Magnoblade and Thunder Crash are recharging. He had been looking at some of the pictures when he climbed onto his berth. Apparently he hadn't realized one of the two was awake until there was a light touch to his arm. Looking to his side, Scattershot saw a pair of dimly lit ocean blue optics, of which a visor fell in front of. Of course it had to be Thunder Crash. Recharged lighter than a turbo fox on steroids. "Hey buddy," Scattershot said in a quiet tone, as to not wake the sleeping femme. Primus knows what she's like when woken up. Thunder Crash immediately crawled closer to the bigger frame and rested his helm on his sire's shoulder, looking at the data pad. "You want to see the pictures as well?" Scattershot asked quietly. The response was a nod from the gray youngling. Scattershot adjusted the angle of the data pad to show the picture it was on. Magmaguard, Zodiac, and Thunder Crash all looking at the camera, the two femmelings smiling. A smile crossed Thunder Crash's faceplate at seeing the pic. The next thing Scattershot scrolled to was a video. Turning the volume low, the Technobot pressed play. It was a video of the time Thunder Crash nearly died when he was only ten stellar cycles.
Thunder Crash was lying on his side, his intakes rough and rugged, sending pain throughout his frame. He was holding the datapad in a servo, optic dim as it looked into the camera. His other optic was hidden by a broken visor. There was also various wounds on his frame and several of them were leaking. "My name..." he started before intaking ruggedly, "...is Thunder Crash. I tried..." Another rugged intake. "...to help refugee younglings. We were bombed on the way." A third rugged intake. "I'm the only survivor, though I don't know for how much longer. Now the Autobots and Decepticons are fighting." Rugged intake. "I've sent a faint signal to my sire and his brothers, the other Technobots. Hopefully one of them will fi..." He didn't get to finish before he was sent into stasis lock, his digits uncurling and the datapad falling onto the ground, camera facing up to the sky. A flier in the sky was about to pass by when they noticed the datapad, cracked visor, and energon on the ground and transformed, landing nearby and running to the mechling. "Scattershot! I found Thunder Crash!" A voice called out. Strafe. The sound of pedes on the ground was soon heard and a white, maroon, and red mech was seen standing over the mechling. "He's in stasis lock. I have to get him to First Aid immediately!" He then scooped up the gray flier in his arms, datapad and all. Once in his arms, Scattershot hurried to Autobot base and to medbay, where First Aid already was. When inside, he approached the Protectobot. "First Aid!" The medic jumped and turned to face the Technobot, about to say something when he saw the mechling. "Oh! Put him on a berth!" Scattershot nodded and did so, taking the datapad from his lap, not realizing it was still recording. Not wanting to leave, Scattershot sat on an unoccupied berth and put his pedes on it to rest the datapad on his legs. "He's going to be alright," First Aid said from where he was working. "I know," Scattershot said. "It's just that... this was the first helpful thing he wanted to do and it almost cost him his life." As he spoke, it sounded like his voice was going to crack. The Technobot leader rested his forehelm on his knee joints, hiding the upper half of his faceplate from the camera. His visor retracted and a drop of coolant ran down his faceplate, unknowingly caught on video. "He's my only son and I don't want to loose him." "I'll make sure that doesn't happen," First Aid told. "Always do." After some time and much pacing from the Techno leader, First Aid was done and Thunder Crash was brought out of stasis lock. Ocean blue optics booted up after his systems onlined to see he wasn't where he was before. "Where... where am I?" He asked. Almost immediately, Scattershot's faceplate filled the mechling's vision. "Dad?" A rare smile crossed the mech's faceplate and he pulled the youngling into a loving embrace. "I'm glad you're ok. I was worried about you." Thunder Crash said nothing, though he rested his helm on Scattershot's chassis, listening to his spark beat, and placed his arms around his sire. "I love you dad," Thunder Crash murmured. "I love you as well, son," Scattershot said and held Thunder Crash closer. When the two pulled away a klik later, First Aid handed the data pad to the youngling, who smiled and took it. Once he noticed it had been recording the entire time, Thunder Crash stopped it and turned it off.
Ocean blue optics look at Scattershot to find his mouth slightly agape. "I can't believe you got that on video," Scattershot murmured, placing an arm around his son. "Seems you caught me off guard." That made Thunder Crash smile brightly. Victory was his. Now to tell the others in the morning.

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