Chapter 5-The Anti World Part 1

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"Wow dad that's a lot." I said.

"Yeah and where's yo sister?" He asks.

"Oh guys..." Selma says.

"What?" We all said to selma.

"Poor Summer." She says as she covers her mouth.

We seen off of her crystal ball and Summer was in some tube with some gel that has her frozen.

"Oh my god." I said as I covered my mouth.

"Oh hell no! Where casper blue lookin ass at!?." My dad says.

"We should've told y'all earlier." He says.

"Ya think?" I said.

"I know, I know." He says.

"He never seen this comin' but too late na dad." I said.

"We need a plan." Solana says.

"Now this mission is huge." Selena says.

"What is Aaron doing?" I asked.

"He has more abilities. So he can tell when we are watching him. He can be seen not as a shadow but as full ghost like figure with color. Also he has more abilities. So I can't spy or he will automatically know also track us down." Solana says.

"Also Almidus can interpret into minds  when we are sleeping." Selma says.

"He is doing that Book Of Genesis-Mor-Tetra. It was created ages ago. Before our time. But the book is about four parts and breaking down each parts also words and spells to to get an ex-phantom's child and bring back the dead using their essence. part one before taking over everybody's minds. Part two is taking over minds. Part three is turning them into mind slaves to trap their minds for eternity. Part 4 is ruling over the world. So we basically need to stop this before he reaches part three. If he reaches part three then we are all dead." Selma adds.

"Oh god." I said.

"Yeah but summer wouldn't even listen to none of us." I said.

"Why?" My dad asks.

"Because she said she always felt like she didn't have it easy like felt left out all of that. But she's smart and everything. I just been the party type." I said.

"Tell me she not feeling like her daddy when she says that." Selma says.

"That is totally me but I wonder why she never told us before but now she does." He says.

"Yeah and she felt for Aaron but he obviously fooled her." Selena says.

"I'ma fuck up that lil nigga who played over my baybeh gurl. Shit not cool!" My dad says sounding angry.

"So Ant, chow-chow, bing-bang, wow wow." Selma says trying to sound like those people from nineteen twenty's.

"What Selma?" He laughs.

"Tell me toots, what you and big boy AL knew bout each other?" She asks as snaps her finger as a cigar appears as she lights it up.

I laughed because this girl is one crazy chick.

"Well we both were good at you know being evil with each other. I told him about Pashion. He told me about his wife and son. But he helped me find Pashion and he said he wanted me to help him out whenever but never told me when at all until he asked me for this black stone which is here but he said the rainbow stone instead. I told him that was in the Anti-World." He says.

"Anti world?" I asked.

"Yup there's all antis of us." He says.

"He never went because he had to stay in his throne because he feared to known what may happen when he leaves so he sends his son to do it." He adds.

"Damn." I said.

"So we can't appear in the catacombs because they know if one of us appear without them knowing." Selena says.

"So we may have to go into Anti World." Selma says.

"Are you crazy!?" Solana says.

"Crazy with K yaaaass! I am but all jokes put aside. This is how we do it, get the items and when Aaron wants them we make a deal to give us Summer and help us defeat his dad with him using him without knowing but at the end destroy them both." Selma says.

"You must be on some shit huh?" Selena asks her.

"Nigga nah. I'm for real bitch you must not hear a word I'm sayin' but Ant you can come because you know everything. You Autumn-" Selma says.

"I'm comin' this is my sister and I should've been there for her before all of this. Plus I want to know more about this." I said.

"Can she handle it?" Solana asks.

"We cannot tell your mom." My dad says.

"Oh lord mom will have a fit." I said.

"Yeah if this happens again she would stress." He says.

"Plus we may need Andrew." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"He's smart plus he can obviously help out." I said.

Selma snapped her fingers and Andrew appeared.

"Huh?" He says.

"Hey cuzzi." I said as I hugged him.

"What's goin on?" He asked.

"Well.... See what had happened was...." I said.

"I'll explain." Selma says.


I just opened my eyes and then they froze again. I seen Aaron who was gathering his things. Since he can read my mind I'm gonna ask him something.

"Why are you doing this?" I said in my mind.

"Nothing further more to say." He says in his mind.

"I was...I..." I said in my mind as I stopped.

"You what?" He says in his mind.

"Nothing....Forget it...." I said in my mind as I closed my eyes.

"Might as well tell me." He thinks.

"No." I thought.

"I can get you saying it." He thinks.

"You don't even care anyway. Just what that damn book tells you anyway. Take my life, use me as a target. Kill me. Best choice you ever made." I thought.

"I had to and I had no other choice. I didn't want to fool you but I had no other choice." He thought.

"It is what it is. You'll probably find some other girl and hurt her like you did to me. I don't even care. Goodbye Aaron...." I thought.

I wanted to have a tear come down my face but I couldn't. This was all of my fault and I know Autumn and Selma are probably mad at me by now. Thinking I just left. Maybe not even caring to come look for me.

This is all of my fault.....

My, My Andrew is so fine!😍👅

Well Summer felt for the looks just like her uncle aug did with kelly😧😪







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