Chapter 18-The Dreamful Plan

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I ran to unlock the door and I couldn't. He had some spell. I was getting hungry too and I needed a shower too. Aaron comes back and I stepped back.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"Plus I wanna take a shower at least." I added.

"Come with me." He says as he opens the door and snaps handcuffs onto my wrists.

He brought me into this bedroom and there was a bathroom in it.

"Those chains will get tighter if you try to escape." He says as he starts to run the shower water.

I was taking off my clothes as he just stood there staring. I stepped in and let the water get on me and my hair. I put my head down and let tears come down my face.

Is this how my mom felt about my dad used to do to her to torture her?

I understand how mom feels now I truly do....

I started to clean myself and when the water was rinsing me off, Aaron stepped in.

"Turn around." He says as I turned.

I still looked down and then that shower raped flashed my mind hearing myself screaming.

I jumped and almost fell until he caught me.

"Clumsy aren't you?" He smirks.

I stood up as he had me in his arms. I looked up at him as he stared into my eyes.

He hurt you summer....Don't fall for him still nor again...

He pushed me up more and I whimpered until he kissed me.

Why isn't he holding me so tight?

He put his tongue into my mouth and played with mines. I did the same only not to just have him so rough on me forcing me to do it.

Our bodies both started to feel warm and he went to kissing down my neck. He stopped and looked at me.

"Get out." He says as he kisses me again. I nodded as I stepped out on the rug.

I started to dry my body and he turned off the water then stepped out.

I seen an outfit and I slid on this gown with slippers he had for me. I braided my hair and then walked out of the room.

"Okay come to the kitchen with me." He says as he grabs me by my arm walking me out.

We made it downstairs as his parents was by the dining table. Solana and his father. When I seen Solana, we both flashed our eyes at each other.

I can see 'Hold Up There Summer' on her face and she saw on mine 'Oh God Solana'.

"Sit down." Aaron's father says as I try to sit next to Solana but Aaron puts me by him.

Me and Solana sat across from each other. Doing morse code but only with our eyes blinking.

"A family dinner huh son? Isn't this nice both of the woman we want for eternity with us is by our sides never leaving us." Father says as he pushes solana close to him as he hugs her from the side.

"Right father." Aaron says as he does the same to me.

"Let's eat!" His father says as the food appeared.

"D-i-d A-a-r-o-n-'s f-a-t-h-e-r h-u-r-t y-o-u?" I asked as I blinked to her.

"Y-e-s. B-u-t d-i-d A-a-r-o-n h-u-r-t y-o-u?" She asks as she blinks back to me as we ate.

"Y-e-s. I-m s-o s-c-a-r-e-d a-n-d h-e-a-r-t-b-r-o-k-e-n a-l-s-o c-o-f-u-s-e-d r-i-g-h-t n-o-w." I blinked.

"J-u-s-t h-o-l-d i-n t-h-e-r-e. U-n-t-i-l -I- -t-h-i-n-k -o-f -s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g." She blinks at me.

"O-k." I blinked back.

"So quiet aren't you ladies?" His father aska us.

"Aren't we gonna talk like family?" Aaron asks.

"F-a-m-i-l-y m-y a-s-s." Solana blinked.

"R-i-g-h-t." I blinked back.

"Yeah maybe they are frightened." Aaron says as he rubs my thigh and I shiver.

"No it isn't that." Solana says.

"We just don't wanna get slapped or hit for saying the wrong thing." She adds.

"Right." I say lowly as I continue to eat.

"Awe, they are scared of us but love us." His father says.

"I don't love you." Solana says.

"I love my son but not you." She adds.

"I love Solana like an aunt to me. I don't know you and Aaron I was under his charm and he has me on this spell so I do not know. I'm confused right now." I said as I looked down and then started feeling sick to my stomach.

"I lost my appetite." I said.

"Me too." Solana says.

"Bring them back into the room." His dad says as he gets me and his dad gets Solana.

They brung us in there and close the door. I hug solana as I cried onto her shoulders.

"It's gonna be okay. I understand dearie." She says as she rubs my back.

"I can't do this anymore." I sniffed.

"This is all of Freddy's play in the act. I can tell you now that Aaron is under that spell but we need a plan." She says.

"What if they can know what are we saying right now?" I asked.

"Right....They know every single language. Only way is to close our eyes to make a dream together so they will think we passed out or something. They can get in our minds but can't right now because if we wear these invisible earings they can't know. Here." She says as she pulls one pair from her ear.

I put the pair on my right like she did. She held my hand as we both laid down and closed our eyes....


"Okay we are good now." Solana says as we both start walking.

"So what are we gonna do?" I ask.

"Since Aaron is under a spell, bring him out of it. You can break that spell with a kiss of true love. I know you are hurting right now and may not work but you will have to think on why you loved the real Aaron besides the fake one who's scaring and hurting you. Before they appear in our minds and remember break this spell only thing stronger than Almidus's power." She says as we started to wake up.

We woke up and they just opened the door. Oh shit....Here goes nothing...

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