Chapter 6-The Anti World Part 2

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"Okay one how do we get into Anti World?" I asked as we walked into these woods.

"Find the black crystal." My dad says.

"Where is that?" I asked.

"In the desert. We have to go into a genie's bottle and that will lead us to a the desert but first we have to reach a genie's joint." Selma says.

"Genie joint? What the hell?" I said.

"Yeah it should've been you in that damn tube cause your sister catches on way quicker." Selma says as she nods.

"Ha! It's her because she was blinded by the looks." I smiled.

"Anthony that is so you." Selma says.

"Say don't put me in this." He says as we laughed.

"Well you did put yourself into pashion and released yourself into her and made these lovely children. So you are technically in this." Selma says as we laughed.

"True." Selena nods.

We made it to a genie joint with a bottle. Selma snapped us on some costumes.

"Okay our names is one there. I'm Blue Bunny, Selena is Gernie, Solana is Fernley, Anthony is Freebie, and Autumn is Shimmer." Selma says.

"The fuck?" Me and my dad say at the same time.

"Fuck my name gotta be Freebie for?" He asks.

"Say yall parents hated y'all or something. Only names on there I don't see." Selma says as she shrugs as we made it to the line.

Our name tags popped on there and the genie bouncer was cute.

"Call me." I said as my dad pushed me and shook his head.

"Don't do it my nigga or catch these hands." He says as he pushed me inside.

"Good for ruining that dad." I said.

"Something beautiful as you, summer, and Amy needs daddy guarding." He says as he nods.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Okay which one has a bottle to Shuhera Desert?" He asks.

"Mmm, her." Solana says as she points at some genie with long purple hair.

"Isn't that Chukara?" Selena asks.

"Yeah why?" Solana asks.

"She deserves an ass whoopin from me." Selma says as she cracks her knuckles, fingers, neck, back, leg, foot, arms, and everything.

"Be back. Come here dick stealer!" Selma says as she went and drag the woman.

I was joked and laughed until I seen the bottle roll by me. We left out from the back and selena zapped selma.

"I wasn't finished whooping her ass." Selma says.

"I want round eighteen on that bitch." Selma says as Selena held her back.

"Selma hasn't been this rowdy since Selene." Selena says.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That was some slut your da-" Selma says before my dad says something.

"Nahhhhh, don't even go there. That's history." My dad says as he shakes his head.

"Mh betta be." I said.

"She's vanished. Like nineteen thirty five." Selena says.

"Well I got the bottle." I smiled.

"Well we all rub it and it will bring us right to the desert. But while we rub it say bring us to the desert." Solana says.

We rubbed it and all say take us to the desert then we appeared there.

"This desert has golden sand and half black sand." I said.

"Yeah black sand is for the Anti-World." My dad says.

I seen a black stone and picked it up.

"There it is." I said.

"That can stop everything put it in your bag." Selma says as I put it in my bag.

A portal opened to a world with a black sky and red sun. The ground was white and the buildings were gray.

"How we know if this is Anti World or not?" Selma asks.

"Selma there's a sign right in front of your face it says 'Welcome To Anti World'." I said.

"Oh oops." She says as kept walking.

"When it rains, it rains red. Like blood like acidy." Solana says as it started to rain.

"So are there Anti us?" I asked.

"Yup. Anti Selma is dumb and crazy like oh mah gawd." Selma says.

"You must be the Anti Selma then." Selena says as we laughed.

"Ha, ha. No Anti Selma is too perky." Selma says.

"Okay we split up with bluetooths." Solana says as we got bluetooths.

"Okay us three go alone." Selena says.

"Me-" I said before my dad interrupts me.

"We are gonna go together because this place is easy to get in but complex to get out of." He says as he grabs my wrist and we walk left.


He still thinks I'm his little girl. Ugh.

"Can we interfere with our Antis?" I asked.

"You can but it just the opposite of you if you can get along with them. Doubly you can't because you will have so much not in common with them so it wouldn't end pretty." He says as we walked into this cave.

We started crawling and then we got up.

"If you see a rainbow stone let me know." He says.

"I will." I said as I had my body onto the wall walking to the right.

"Everything is like dark colors so you cannot miss a rainbow stone." He says as I nod.

"Okay dad I get it." I said as I kept scooting slowly.

"How are you guys holding up in there?" Solana says through the Bluetooth.

"Still searching." I said.

"Us too." Selena says.

"Wait." I said.

"Yeah?" Selma says.

"Why not just get the Anti of Aaron's mom. Because she shouldn't be dead here." I said as I walked into a room full of diamonds with my dad.

"Well either way you and the Anti still can die giving birth to phantom babies so obviously that isn't gonna change." Solana says.

"Wow." I said as I split up with my dad then seen a rainbow stone.

"Dad I found it." I said as he came.

"You stay here and I'll go get it." He says as he wents over until I seen a sign.

"Dad it's a trap!" I yelled as the cave started to shake.

"Oh shit." I said.

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