"Nice to see you agian"

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"Who knew that they would use my cold expressions as a concept" Rylin thought as she looked at herself in the mirror "Looks like the old Rylin is back" she rolled her eyes as Mark sat down next to her

"Whatever..so what are you doing here?" She asked "Well since your done practicing and I'm done with practice..let's go eat!" Mark replied while standing up then pulled Rylin up from the ground. The both of them left TWICES practice room and started heading outside the company building

"Ahem your forgetting someone" they turned and saw JB behind them "Have you been following us?" Rylin asked and JB nodded

"Now are you going to be treating us hyung or is Rylin going to pay again?" He teased and earned a punch on the arm

"That was one time" Mark said to him while Rylin started walking "Wait up!" Both boys yelled, but she ignored them and kept walking. As the three entered the restaurant Rylin sat across JB and Mark and stared at her phone

"Um..you okay?" JB asked "Honestly no" she replied and placed down her phone she sighed and looked down at her fingers

"Is there something you want to tell us? We'll help you" Mark said

"Well you see me , Jihyo unnie, Nayeon unnie , and Chaeyoung unnie are going to be performing on Sugarman..." Both boys listen to the younger one speaking "And they said that some of the BTS members are going to be in the audience-"

"And your afraid that he will be there" Mark finished then Rylin nodded and the two older ones tried to figure out a way to help "Well if by any chance he shows up just pretend he isn't there" JB suggested

"Yeah or just dance sexier" Mark said while he drank his water Rylin gave him a gross look then threw her napkin at Mark while he laughed "Okay don't listen to him just do what I said" JB said and Rylin nodded and began eating. While they were eating Rylin's phone buzzed with a message

From Luhan
Hey Rylin! I was wondering if you have any free time right now since I'm back in Korea and it's been a while since I've seen you.

"Who's that?" JB asked while his mouth was full "It's Luhan he's asking if I have any free time" she replied "You still talk to him?" Mark asked "Well ever since he left we barely talk sometimes we'll say hi or hey." she replied

"Go hang with him then. Catch up with one another" they both said while she nodded

To Luhan
Sure lets meet up.

From Luhan
Awesome! I have something for you. Meet me at the park next to our school

"Well I'll be going now see you guys tomorrow" Rylin said and stood up. Once she left the restaurant she took a cab to her old school where everything started. When the cab stopped she got out and head to the park. Memories started flash in her mind as she sat on the bench


"I said don't spend your money on me" he ignored me and paid then we went to a bench

"I know but the boy has to pay girl even when the girl tells him not to" he said while looking at me

end of flashback

"Yah don't think of that" Rylin said to herself while she smacked the side of her head "Um why did you hit yourself?" Looking up at the voice she saw "Yoongi?" She said at the mint haired boy standing in front of her

"Yup that's me. What are you doing here?" He asked and sat next to her "Um waiting for someone" she replied and looked at her phone there was an awkward silence between the both of them

"By the way congrats on debuting" Yoongi said while breaking the silence "Thanks and you too...hehe it's really late for us to say this" she laughed while he scratched the back of his neck

"True. Well that happens when we loose communication" he said and looked up "Hey I have a question" Rylin asked "What is it?" Yoongi replied while looking at her

"Are you going on Sugarman tomorrow?" He laughed and shook his head "Sorry that's a secret" she was about to say something but his phone rang

"Hello?...Alright jeez you don't have to yell Hoseok...I'm at the park...no I'm not by myself..." he looked at Rylin and mouthed

'Wanna talk to Hoseok?' She nodded and he put the phone on speaker "Hi J-Hope" Rylin said then the boy screamed

"Ahh! Rylin! I miss you!!" Hoseok yelled while she smiled "I miss you too...how are you?" Yoongi gave her the 'wtf' look and she shrugged

"I'm doing great I just- Yah!" Hoseok was cut off by...

"Rae!! It's me Tae!!" Taehyung yelled from the other line of the phone "Hi Tae" she replied "I miss you so much like a lot!" He said

"Miss ya too"

"Oh! And by the way I love your dancing in OOH-AH. Very sexy" she giggled then another voice was heard "Can I talk to her?" It was the voice she hasn't heard for a long time

"Yeah here" Rylin froze and looked at Yoongi

'Excuse?' Yoongi mouthed while she nodded

"Rylin? Are you there? It's me J-" suddenly Yoongi cut the boy off "Oh sorry she just left she had to go to practice I'll go home now" he hung up the phone and looked at her

"Why don't you want to talk to him?" He asked "Personal reasons Yoongi"

"Was it because the ne-"

"Let's not talk about it that's in the past" the boy nodded and stood up "Well nice seeing you again. Let's meet up some other time" she nodded and waved bye. Once he left she sighed and leaned back.

"Ugh where is Luhan?" She looked at the time and it was almost night time. After waiting for a few more minutes she decided to leave. She got up from the bench and swung her bag over her shoulder

"Rylin!" She turned around "I'm sorry! There was so much traffic and my surprise was really slow" she faced the panting boy and crossed her arms

"It's fine Luhan...so what's my surprise?" He smiled and told her to close her eyes

"Open them!" Once she opened her eyes she couldn't believe it "Gege?!" Her bag dropped and she ran up and hugged the life out of the him "I thought you weren't able to leave China?" She asked while almost crying

"They allowed me to leave so here I am"

"Yeah it took a while for Kris' manager to allow him" Luhan added "How are you little one? Oh and by the way congrats on debuting" Kris asked his little sister

"Ah it feels good to back in Korea" Luhan said and took a deep breath of air. She smiled and side hugged Kris while he smiled "Did you eat already?" Kris asked then she nodded

"Well let's go eat some ramen I'm hungry" Luhan said then the three left the park and headed to a nearby convince store "Oh hey Rae I heard the news about Jun-"

"Don't talk about it Lu gege" Rylin accidentally snapped at him "Sorry but let's not talk about it please" he nodded and took a sip of his soup

"It hurt didn't it?" Kris said "It hurt but I'm fine" he shook his head placed down his chopsticks

"Things will be okay as long I'm here you can come to me" he wrapped his around her "Where are you guys staying?" She asked

"At my cousins old house here" Luhan replied. Once the three were done eating they dropped off Rylin back at TWICES dorm "I'll see you guys tomorrow after the show!" she waved at the two while they left. Once she opened the door she sneakily passed her unnies and went into her room

'Tomorrow's going to be a long day' she thought and fell back on her bed

CHC BOOK 2: Our Idol LifeWhere stories live. Discover now