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The days passed by and each duo/ group began working hard into putting details in their dances or songs. And as this project continues they continued promoting their comeback tracks at the same time while working on the project.

Along with the growth with this project came along tons of comments and feedback from the public about the two groups. "Rylin and Jungkook better not end up dating. Jungkook oppa deserves someone better" Rylin read to herself then suddenly the lid to her computer came down.

She turned around and saw Jungkook standing behind her with a bag filled with snacks. "How long have you've been standing there?" she asked while fixing her hair. "How long have you've been looking at those comments" he asked then sat down right next to her. Rylin bit the inside of her mouth and looked away.

"No more comment reading. The only comments we will accept is from our bosses, producers, and band members" Jungkook gave a serious look then Rylin nodded then sighed. He took out the snacks from the bag and handed her a strawberry milk. "Thank you" Rylin replied then the both of them began working on their duet.

Hours passed then it was their turn to practice in the dance studio. The choreographer went over the steps for the both if them use then exited the room to go help the other members. "I wanna try this routine that I was thinking of" Jungkook said then he began to teach Rylin the routine he came up with.

"If its alright with you, I wanted to add a little skinship in this routine. But if you don't feel comfortable then we can think of something else" he asked then Rylin thought about it before nodding her head. "Let's give it a shot. I mean we're both professionals right?" she replied then a smile grew on Jungkook's face.

Being professional the two began adding a few moves that involved skinship. After a while their time in the dance room was up, they both headed back into the studio and sat down. "Who cares" Jungkook blurted out suddenly.

"About what?" Rylin asked then Jungkook took a deep breath before speaking "Who cares if we end up dating? I mean why should it matter to them if I date you?" His words shocked Rylin and his gaze made the atmosphere in the room tense.

"W-we have to be professional Jungkook." Rylin replied then Jungkook nodded then leaned back in his seat and sighed. "Did you stop loving me?" Jungkook asked then made eye contact with Rylin

The both of them sat in silence then the door opened revealing Rylin's manager "We have to go. Your guys fitting for the concept photo is tomorrow" Rylin nodded then stood up to leave. Before she left she replied to Jungkook's question from earlier "Who said that I stopped? I never did and I don't think I will" she said then left the room.

Jungkook didn't know whether to smile or cry, but on the inside he was jumping with joy knowing that his first love never gave up on him and that he still has chance. "Calm down Jungkook, we have to keep things professional just for her."


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