I was wondering...

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"Five more minutes until your on girls!" The stage director said. Rylin sat back in her chair as the makeup crew did their thing. She was listening to the song one more time before going on "Maknae~yah" she unplugged her earphone and looked at her leader.

"Are you nervous?" Jihyo asked "Just a bit..." she replied while taking a small deep breath

"Don't be okay just go out there and have fun okay?" The younger one nodded and it was time for them to go on

[rewind ?? POV]

Once hyung came back from his walk in the park I sat next to him "Um hyung why didn't Rylin want to talk to me?" I asked "I told you that she left to go to practice you just came at the wrong time" he suddenly stood up and went to his room

Why do I feel like there's more to this? Is Suga hyung hiding something from me?

[end of rewind]

"Girls it's your turn!" Rylin unplugged her earphones and gave it to her manager "Oh Tzuyu~ah! You have a text from your brother" she turned around and her manager gave her phone back

From Kris gege
Good luck baby sis! After the show me and Luhan will bring you somewhere I think you'll like it

"Maknae~yah lets go!" Nayeon yelled. She nodded and gave her phone back and went on stage. Once Rylin went on stage she scanned the crowed hoping to find one BTS member she saw Taehyung and Jin the two smiled at her while she gave a small one back. While waiting for the music to start she looked at the crowd again

There were some older people, some school boys, and Luhan and Kris the two gave a thumbs up to her and she smiled then the music started

While performing Rylin looked at the crowd she saw Kris and Luhan's jaws dropped at the dance moves she was doing "Ah I'm so going to get a lecture after this" she thought. As she kept looking she nearly stopped dancing. She saw him in the crowd; both of them made eye contact then quickly Rylin looked away and kept dancing then she remembered JB and Mark's words

"Just pretend he isn't there"

"Or just dance sexier"

She decided to take JB's advice since Mark's was unnecessary and plus it would make the situation any better.

?? POV

Right when Rylin made eye contact with me I can feel the coldness of her stare "Maybe it's just part of the concept there's no way she went back to her old self" I said to myself she looked away and started dancing honestly I never knew she can dance like that, but she's gotten really skinny I hope she's eating well maybe I should ask her to go eat out after.

It's been a while since we talked to one another...

[back to normal POV ]

Once the song ended the four got off the stage and went back to the dressing room "Good job guys!" Jihyo said as she hugged each member Rylin went inside the changing room and changed into her normal clothes

"Maknae~yah you have some visitors! Also we'll be going first see you at the dorm" Chayoung said as Rylin was changing "Okay unnie" she replied. Once she was done changing she walked out to find Kris and Luhan waiting.

"Yah! You were so good! And those dance moves were-" Luhan was cut off "They were too sexy!" Kris said and put Rylin in a head lock "Ah ah okay okay! Let me go!" She laughed

It's been a while since she truly laughed because of a guy the other members make her laugh but having a guy make her laugh made it feel different "Now let's go! I don't want to keep the-" once again Luhan was cut off again

"Okay! Let's get going!" While the three were walking they bumped into some familiar faces


"Tae!" Rylin yelled back. The two acted like 5 year olds and ran to each other and engulfed each other in a tight hug "Wahh!! It feels so good to see you!" Taehyung yelled

Before Rylin could say anything another pair of arms were wrapped around her "Rylin!!" It was Jin "I missed you too Jin!" she replied with a smile

"Yah where's your honorifics it's suppose to be Jin oppa!" He said in shock. She just laughed and shook her head "Sorry Jin..oppa. Man that was weird to say"

"Um hey Rylin" she looked behind Jin and placed a small smile "Oh hey Jungkook" there was awkwardness in the air "Um I was wondering if you wanted to go eat out...with me?"

Feeling her heart pound she took a look at Kris "Um sorry Jungkook, me and Luhan are actually taking Rylin out to eat right now" she turned back to the sulking boy "Maybe next time?" She asked

"Yeah next time..when my schedules are free agian" he whispered the last part "Well we got to go see you guys next time!" Luhan said and grabbed Rylin's wrist and dragged her away. Once they both reached the parking lot of the studio Luhan was out of breath

"Why did you do that?" she asked while fixing her messed up hair "Because..you looked...so uncomfortable" She took the water bottle out of her bag and handed it to Luhan

"Thanks" Once Kris caught up with the two they went to Luhan's car and drove somewhere. After a few hours Rylin decided to go on her phone after turning it on it beeped a thousand of times

From Yoon Sanha
noona! you did amazing I don't know if you saw but me and Rocky hyung were in the audience

From Park Minhyuk
You did amazing noona :)

From Yoon Sanha
Cmon noona text us back!

She ignored the messages and placed them on mute till this day she haven't spoken to one of the Astro boys "We're here!!" Luhan yelled as they pulled up to restaurant the three got down from the car and went inside the waiter brought them into a big room

"Why is it so dark in here?" Rylin asked then the lights turned on "Rylin!!" All of the EXO members were there besides one

"Um where's Tao gege?" They all looked at each other then back at Rylin "Tao is actually in China...he didn't want to come back with me and Kris.. sorry" Luhan explained

'So Tao is probably still mad with me..' she thought

"Rylin~ah I missed you!" Chanyeol suddenly said and gave her a hug Kris looked at him and he mouthed 'Thanks Yeol' he smiled and let go of Rylin

One by one the other members gave her a hug they all sat down at the large table and waited for the food "So Rylin is the news about J-" immediately Chanyeol and Sehun slapped their hands over Baekhyun's mouth "Let's not talk about that alright?" Suho said and made eye contact with everyone they all nodded then the food came

After a few hours all of them decided to go back to their dorms due their schedules "It was nice seeing you guys again" Rylin said as each member gave her a goodbye hug "Text me whenever you have time alright?" Kai said and she nodded

Out of all the hugs Kai's was the longest "Take care Rae." He whispered

"You too Kai" she whispered back. Once EXO left it was time for Rylin to go home since she has to prepare for TWICE's comeback "Guys? How long are you here in Korea for?" She asked as they were driving home

"For 4 months why?" Kris replied

"I was just wondering.."

CHC BOOK 2: Our Idol LifeWhere stories live. Discover now