The Dick Next Door

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A/N: Hello! Welcome to my story! I've read a lot of these body swapping books and I have to say all the ones I've read are a hard act to follow but I thought I'd give it a go and see how it is.

I'm not sure how I'm going to go with updates and what not or if anyone even reads this but I'm gonna do it anyway.

I really do hope that at least a few people stick around to see where the story goes :)

"Asshole," I spat, picking up my text book.

"I'm sorry, baby. Didn't see you there." Asher Dalton grinned and leant up against his locker. I flipped him off as I strode passed him, gritting my teeth together as I heard him chuckle.

Asher had been my enemy since second grade when I accidentally dropped his toy plane when we helped his family move in next door.

He was everything I wasn't; popular; captain of the football team; the boyfriend of the head cheerleader; had a bunch of friends that he will probably forget in about five years time and even though he was quite stupid, he still managed to get good enough grades. I, on the other hand, was pretty much invisible to the rest of the student body, cared way more about my education than my appearance and had only two friends (who were both equally invisible as me).

He started picking on me when we started Middle School. He, of course, got in trouble on the very first day and was put in the seat behind me. He and his friend, Peter, decided it would be funny to throw bits of blue tack in my hair – and then later on – chewing gum. Which I didn't realise until I got home that afternoon.

Anyway, Asher's made it kind of a thing now that whenever he sees me he'll trip me up or push me or whatever to piss me off. I try to avoid him as much as possible and the only unavoidable times I see him is a few times a week when we have the same class. I used to see him every Monday afternoon when he had English in the class next to my biology class. He used to wait outside for me, ready to trip me or something. But then, the last half of that class is when I have my violin lesson. How very convenient. I doubt he even knows there is a music room, let alone where it is, so that's Monday's problem solved.

Occasionally, we passed each other in the hall and he'd shoot me either a glare or a look that was way too innocent to be genuine.

The sound of heavy footfalls interrupted my peaceful walk home. I've lived next to him for so long, I even recognised the sound of his footsteps. I clenched my jaw together and continued walking.

"Hey, Billie Butthole." His voice tickled in my ear as he caught up to me. God, how I hated that ridiculous name he gave me when we were ten.

"What do you want," I snapped knowing my frustration will only stir him up.

"Aw, come on, don't be like that. You know how much I love my best friend," he said with extremely heavy sarcasm and put an arm around my shoulder. Just as I was about to shuffle my way out of his grip, he stuck out a foot and I went sprawling onto the sidewalk.

"You dick!"

He laughed. "You know, I'd really like to help you up but I promised Brianna I'd keep fit for tonight and – well – I could break my back bending down to pick you up and that would be the end of my career."

"You are such a prick, Asher," I said, biting back what I really wanted to say to him. "Leave me alone."

He laughed again and shoved his hands into his back pockets. That was when I noticed the small, pale face peering out at us from the house we were standing in front of. The curtains slid shut before I could see who it was.

Asher was still laughing as he walked away. I bit my tongue to stop myself from swearing after him and continued home.

That night, my sleep was riddled with dreams. Really nasty dreams. Dreams that I could remember nothing of apart from the mere fact that they were horrible. Finally, I woke up, sporting a major headache. 

I groaned and rubbed my temple. This is what I imagined a hangover would feel like, although, I wouldn't know for sure as I've never even consumed a drop of alcohol.

I rolled out of bed with another groan and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Man, this headache was really starting to bug me. Maybe a shower would help. Still half asleep, I managed to walk into the bathroom and strip off my clothes. I turned the cold water on and stepped under the shower head. The water was quite refreshing. As I was rubbing soap onto my legs, I noticed that my penis was sticking out at an angle.

Wait a minute . . . penis?

Why was there a penis down there? What happened to my lady bits? Am I dreaming? And hang on . . . where were my breasts? Oh, shit, what's going on?

I hastily turned the tap off and slipped my way out of the shower and in front of the mirror.

"No . . ."

Staring back at me was no longer the petite brunette with overly large green eyes but the firm, toned body of none other than Asher Dalton. My mouth dropped open and I choked back a scream.

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