Morning Dilemma

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How did I become Asher overnight? No . . . I'm still me . . . just in his body. 

But, wait, did that mean Asher was in my body? Oh crap.

Tearing my gaze away from the mirror, I quickly pulled on the boxer shorts I woke up in and raced next door.

I knocked angrily on the door of my house until my dad opened the door.

"Asher!" He was surprised, I could tell. Asher hadn't come to our door since we were twelve. "Um, what a . . . nice surprise. I haven't seen you here in a while."

"Yes, well, I need to speak to Billie, please. It's urgent."

His eyebrows shot up. He knew how much we hated each other. "Uh - of course. One second."

He disappeared and returned a minute later with Asher in my body.

"You," He hissed once he saw me. Dad took this as an indication to leave and backed off down the hall.

"What did you do?" I demanded thrusting a fist into his - well my chest. He fell back against the door; I guess I didn't anticipate my newfound strength.

"Ow," he rubbed the spot where I hit him. "You think I did this?"

"Well, I certainly didn't!"

"So you think it was me? Believe me, I cannot think of something more painful than becoming you."

"Right back at you." I clenched my jaw together. "Maybe it'll only last a few hours."

"Oh, God, it better be. If I have to spend more than a day as you, I might kill myself. But then I'd be killing you, wouldn't I?" He smirked, "Not such a bad thought."

I hit him again but this time with more force and he fell over.

"I was joking, calm down," he said as he got to his feet. "Jesus, you're weak. Oh and a piece of advice, you might want to keep note of your strength when you're around me. You wouldn't want to be seen abusing a girl, would you?"

"Why would I care? It'd be you abusing me to everyone else." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Who knows how long we're like this? It may be permanent. You might go to jail."

I shuddered, "don't say that. There is no way this is permanent. I can't even imagine going to school as you."

"Lucky it's Saturday."

"Mm. Just do me a favour and stay in my room unless absolutely necessary. I don't want you ruining anything."

"You got it." He saluted me with a wink as I turned to leave.

"Oh!" he called a minute later. "Nice tits!"

I froze, fought every urge to turn around and beat him to a pulp, and stalked down the drive. Where was this anger coming from? I have never ever had a violent intention in my life. Even when I was around Asher. Sure I hated him, but I never wanted to hurt him surprisingly. But now, all I wanted was to hit him over and over again. It must be the new boy hormones. I shuddered again at the thought and stepped through the front door.

His parents must be out as the house was unusually quiet (you could always hear yelling at his place from my house). I went upstairs to his bedroom. I opened his closet in an attempt to get dressed. Everything I found was either extremely crumpled or covered in dirt. I managed to find a white V-neck shirt with only one spot of dirt and a pair of brown jeans.

It was then, after I had managed to smooth out Asher's hair, that I heard the most horrible sound. It sounded like a cat being dragged over a cheese grater in accompaniment to the uneven beat of drums. It took me a while to realise it was his ringtone. I snatched it from his desk and answered as quickly as possible to get rid of the god-awful sound which I assumed was some kind of rock music.


"Billie? It's me, Asher," It was weird hearing someone else speak through my voice. I felt the strange anger again as he spoke. "You really need to have a password on your phone," he continued. "Who knows who might get onto it." I could practically hear his smirk.

"What do you want, Asher?"

"Okay, hear me out. I know we haven't been the best of friends over the years."

I scoffed, "you can say that again."

"yeah, well, I figured who knows how long we're like this and what happens at school? The last thing I need is for you to screw up my reputation."

"I could say the same to you."

"You don't even have a reputation. Apart from being that weird girl who sits in the corner."

"At least I'm not an arrogant jerk -"

"Okay, this needs to stop. If we're going to get this to work, we need to stop arguing like this."


"So I was thinking we could spend this weekend leaning everything there is to know about each other."

I rolled my eyes. "Yay, sounds like my dream weekend."

I heard him scoff on the other end. "Believe me, I don't want to spend any more time with you if I could help it. But if we don't, people will start asking questions and we won't know the answer."

"Fine, whatever. Are my parents still there? They're supposed to go to New York this weekend."

"They just left. They came to say goodbye about five minutes ago. Do they always kiss you like that?"


"Huh. Right, so if you could come over and teach me how to be you and then we'll swap over."

"Sounds good. I'll be over in a second."

I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket, keeping a mental note to change the ringtone.

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