Chapter 1 - Not Again

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In a room lit by a lone candle light flickering in the dark, a boy sat quietly while mending a flute.

So, having a hole in this part will make this sound...screech ...Okay...maybe not.

Nice to meet you, my name is Hibiki, Hisakawa is my last name I am a musical instrument creator, 14 years old and-

Illegally drunk friends barge into his room and start partying, William put his hand on  Hibiki's shoulder.

William- "Stop being such an introvert and come join the party!"

Hibiki- ". . ."

Murorian 1- "Helium, you know he'll never stop working until he's dead!"

William-"I already told you a thousand times that my name is not Helium! Hibiki just needs get used to it!"

Hibiki stands up with a sigh

Hibiki-"Yes, yes, yes. Now all of you can get out of my room. Have a good night."

Hibiki pushes all of the people out of his room

William stops the door from shutting close

William- "Hey, if something happens again, tell me okay?"

Hibiki- "Okay, I promise."

William leaves and disappears in the darkness

Boss comes in without knocking

Boss- "Hibiki, get a social life! I know you can make friends!"

Hibiki- "Boss I'm really trying to work here okay?"

Boss- "I know but still, come back to work after you have made at least one friend. But before that, you are temporarily fired."

Hibiki- "But-!"

Before Hibiki gets to finish his sentence, boss shoves Hibiki out of his room and locks the door

Hibiki- "- it's the. . .middle of the night."

Uh so it's the middle of the night and I am suppose to find a friend. Excellent, this should be easy...(sarcastically)

Hibiki walks over to William's house, but before he could knock he suddenly feels dizzy and the floor below him opens up to a pitch-black void and he falls down.

Huh...This happened before too, when I walked home after buying bread and didn't make it before the sun started to set...I wonder what time is it now...dammit, its twelve-thirty...I needed to finish my work before twelve-thirty...

William's view...

Did I just hear a thud? Is someone out side?

William- "Sorry guys, I have to go check on something. Keep the party going."

William opens the door and finds Hibiki on the ground not moving one bit.

William- "Hibiki? Are you alright?!" 

William lays Hibiki's arm on his shoulder and drags him into the room.

William- "Sorry guys, party's over."

Murorian 2- "That's fine, Hibiki seems to be kind of dead there, call us if you need anything."

William- "Thanks mate, that'll be great."

Guests leave the house

Back to Hibiki's view...

Opens eyes

Hibiki- "uh...what happened...where am I?"

Hibiki finds him self  lying in a flowerbed in a beautiful place where everything is surrounded by water.

Hibiki- "Okay then, looks like I'll have to wait and see what happens."

Some people that dress the same, sneaks up to Hibiki and attack him. They tie rope around his arms, took him down stairs of some weird stone building and threw him in one of the water bubbles that floated above the ground. An old man walked over to him.

Old man- "Who are you, why are here and why aren't you wearing an Akuaria crest?"

Akuaria? What does he mean, isn't this place Muroria? He looks like an important person; I better speak to him respectfully.

Hibiki- "My name is Hibiki Hisakawa, and I would like to know where I am."

Old man- "You shall stay here until you spill the reason why you are in our territory."

Hibiki- "I come from Muro-"

Old man leaves Hibiki in the prison

Why does this keep happening? What's going on?

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