Chapter 2 - The Girl in The Dungeon

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In Akuaria...

Chanda's view...

In the peaceful world of Akuaria, a girl is hanging around the palace dungeon.

I'm so bored, is there anything interesting to do?

She sees the guards in front of the exit and smirks.

They're really stiff aren't they? Let's see if they can handle this without moving then. This is going to be fun.

She filled a bucket full of water, de-activated her gravitation seal and swam to the rooftop. She pores the water onto the guards.

Akuaria palace dungeon guards- "Hey! Who did that? Come here who ever you are!"

Chanda- "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You people are idiots! And here I thought you were smart and serious! Oops."

Akuaria palace dungeon guards- "There you are! Come here you little brat!"

Guards disappear and appear behind Chanda

Chanda- "Well you're more skilled then I thought!"

Chanda kicks the guards off their feet and punches them in the stomach then swims away. Guards from all around the palace surround her.

Okay, now I messed up .

Akuaria palace dungeon guards- "You are the thief that stole the egg of the sea serpant am I correct?"

Chanda – "yah. So what?"

Akuaria palace dungeon guards- "Guards, take her!"

Well shit

Guards throws her into a water sphere and leaves her there

Chanda notices a boy around the age of 14 sitting in the water sphere opposite to her.

Chanda- "Hey! What's you name? You don't seem to belong here since you don't have an Akuaria crest. You must be here because you did something wrong!"

Hibiki- "I'm didn't! And my name is Hisakawa Hibiki."

Chanda- "Well how am I suppose to know if you are lying or not?"

Chanda- "..."

Chanda- "Hey Hisoka!"

Hibiki- "It's Hisakawa"

Chanda- "Well I'll call you what ever. I find you interesting and won't mind you being my friend."

Chanda easily cut through the rope and de-activated the water sphere.

Chanda- "You stay there and don't move, I'll get you some food first."

Hibiki starts to fade away

Hibiki- "Umm no you don't have to...sorry I have to go now, see you some other day!"

Chanda- "Wait what do you-"

With a bright flash Hibiki vanishes out of sight

Chanda-"Wait, what, how, but!"

What on Akuaria just happened? Sounds of guards coming down stairs.

No time to be thinking, I have to get out of here first, and fast!

*Akuaria is a world in a water sphere with water inside water.

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