Chapter 4 - The Encounters in Leithea

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William grabs Hibiki's arm and begins to run into the forest.


William- "They belong in the army, it's better to run."

Hibiki follows William silently.

Soon, they reach a plain field of grass and slowed down their pace.

Hibiki- "William, why are we here?"

William- "I'll explain everything to you later, for now just come with me."

William puts his hand holding a strange key and a black hole, just like the one they saw before, opened. Then they walk into the void.

I guess I should follow him? I mean it's the only way I'll be able to find some answers.

Inside the gate...

William- "This black hole is what we call a gate, it leads to eight different worlds. The world that we are heading to is Leithea, my home."

Hibiki- "huh..."

Hibiki- Is he expecting me to say something? William seems different, I don't feel like I'm in the position to talk right now.

When they walked out of the gate, Hibiki was brought into a different world, completely different to the peaceful village in Muroria. This world was storming and tall buildings just barely reaching the sky, strange not-so-bird-like things were flying above them.

Hibiki stares in amusement. William stops being serious.

William- "So, I'm lost."

Hibiki- "Huh?! You brought me here when you don't even know where to go?!"

Hibiki is glad that William is back to his original self

William- "Well, at least we got out of Muroria before we were caught."

A stranger pulled William and Hibiki behind one of those not-so-bird-like things, away from the walking people wearing strange clothes.

They jump back and William pulls out a L-shaped pipe and points an end at the stranger. The stranger puts her hands up.

Stranger- "Don't worry, I'm not an enemy, I'm here to pick you up."

William continues to point the L-shaped pipe at the stranger.

Stranger- "...You can put your gun down, I'm here by the orders of Commander Enzo."

Hibiki- So that L-shaped pipe thing is called a gun, I wonder what it does.

William- "You know Commander Enzo?! Who are you?"

Stranger- "I am Kamia Verin, your sister."

William- "WAIT, I HAVE A SISTER?!"

Kamia- "I'm not surprised that you cannot remember me as you were sent on the mission a long time ago...and you suck at remembering."

The expression on William's face is like O.o

William- "Oi! That's mean!"

Hibiki- "Uhhhhh guys? Sorry to ruin the moment, but...are we going to sit here forever?"

Silent pause...

Kamia- "Yes...Talk later, I have to go report to Commander Enzo."

Kamia takes out a leaf

Kamia- "Teleport to area 13."

A light ring appears beneath their feet and they disappear leaving the leaf to disappear slowly. 

After they disappear...

A person grabbed the leaf in their hand just before it completely disappeared.

Person- "Looks like I have some things to take care of."

What's going to happen where Commander Enzo is? What is that "Person" going to do? Find out in Chapter 6 ^^ there are reasons.

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