Chapter 3 - Chanda

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In Akuaria...

Chanda sneaks out of the building and runs along the top of the roof

Chanda- "That was a strange boy, how rude of him to deny MY offer, next time I see him I've got some things to complain about."

Chanda arrives at her shabby home. A bakery.

I'm Chanda Sharma. This is my home. We don't make much money by selling baked goods. As long as we only eat 1 meal per day, we have enough money to keep on living. I stole the sea serpent's egg in order to sell it to the black market so I can make enough money for my family. Of course, it's not something I can tell my parents about, or anyone.

Chanda- " I'm back!"

Chanda puts her bag and her staff near the door, grabs out her money and walks over to her family.

Mother- "Oh great you're back! Would you mind taking these to the racks outside?"

Chanda- "Sure thing mother!"

Chanda puts the money ,she made by selling the serpant, on the table. Grabs the tray of bread and heads out the door followed by her mother.


Chanda turns around only greeted by a slap across her face.

Mother- "Chanda! How many times have I told you to not get involved with the black market!"

Chanda could already see tears in her mother's eyes but she just looked to the ground

Mother- "Do you know that people at the black market are all at the top of the list of wanted criminals? Do you understand how much danger you are in with both the palace police and black market?"

Chanda- "I don't care! I don't care what happens to me as long as my family is okay! And I'm old enough to protect my self!"

Another slap across the face and Chanda's mother collapses on the chair crying as her father sits down to comfort her and looks at her. Chanda immediately knew that he was telling her to leave her mother alone for now.

Chanda grabs her things and just before she left her mother yelled.

Mother- "Take the money away, take the money and throw it in the ocean, we don't need it! It will only bring misfortune!"

Chanda just stares for a while and leaves, shutting the door behind her gently.

Now, what shall we do! There's no use being hurt about it right now! Plus, there are still things to do and under-water ruins to explore!

She continues to walk on despite the fact that many things are bothering her.

In Muroria...

Hibiki's view...

Hibiki opens his eyes and finds himself in William's home. William suddenly jumps in his vision.

William- "you're up?"

Hibiki jumps and punches William in his face, but not to Hibiki's surprise, William dodges it with high agility.

William- "Oh my goodness! Calm down it's just me Hibiki!"

Hibiki- "Oh! Sorry about that."

William- "Haha that's okay!"

William walks over to the table.

William- "Would you like some tea? I made them my self so you probably won't like it."

Hibiki- "Sure, I think I'll need it."

William grins and Hibiki grins back as William hands him the cup of tea.

Hibiki- "Wow, how did you learn to make tea this great?"

William- "Well, I make a living out of brewing medical herbal tea so I had to do many testing, studying and research. I wonder why people keep running away when I ask them if they wanted to test a herb I found."

Hibiki rolled his eyes at William

Hibiki- "Huh... I wonder why"

William- "Okay, I admit, the herbs are a bit strange," William pauses, "okay, very strange, but who knows if they have any use on people.

Hibiki- "I don't even want to know what you make them taste. Although, What did you put in this tea to make it taste good?"

William- "Ashwagandha roots to help relax your nerves and fresh your mind from your work life, ginger dates, honey and lemon to warm up your body a bit. I also added a bit of red wine just to help prevent heart disease." (to readers, red wine actually does that, it's a fact)

HIbiki, who already had a mouth full of tea half way down his throat, suddenly starts choking when he heard the word wine.

William- " Whoa, are you okay? Do you need to to the infirmary?"

William starts dragging Hibiki out the door, which made Hibiki, laugh even more and choke even more. Hibiki finally swallowed the mouthful and coughed a bit after.

Hibiki- "Don't you dare make me laugh when I'm trying to swallow tea next time and remember we are underage!"

William- "I wasn't trying to and red wine is good for you!"

They both stared at each other and soon started laughing.

Hibiki- "So, how long have I been out for?"

William- "about 5 minutes. What happened this time?"

Hibiki told William everything that had happened

Hibiki-"It's the same as last time except a different place."

An awkward pause...

Hibiki-"I wonder what's happening, everything is so crazy right now."

William- "Uh...Hey Hibiki..."

William pauses

William- "Never mind."

Hibiki- "Uh...Okay?"

Another pause...

William- "Actually, no, I'm going to tell you, I'm actually from ano-" 

horrendous sounds come from the out side, William and Hibiki head out side. A large hole appears and several people jump out of it.

People- "Agent William Walker, your mission is complete, you must come with us to Leithea*. And  you," looks at Hibiki, "You shall come with us as the sole inhabitant of XK5M."

Hibiki looks at William with a confused expression

There's so many questions I want to ask. How do they know our names? Who are they? Agent William Walker? Why are they here? What's that black hole? I?

Leithea* a world wear there are lightning storms 24 hours, there is sky scrapers and jets. Basically futeristic.

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