Chapter 6 - Lieutenant Enzo, Kamia and Tyrese

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Kamia, William and Hibiki appears in a white room with minimal decorations. Kamia walked down the hall way followed by her younger brother and Hibiki. she stops in front of the door suddenly.

Kamia- "No matter what you see, he's actually pretty strong." Whispers "Kamia Verin coming in, lieutenant Enzo." Talks normally

Kamia opens the door and in there, sitting on a chair was a boy only 18 years old with soft pale purple hair and clear yellow eyes the same colour as William's.

Enzo- "Welcome back William, you've grown a lot haven't you? Umm. . .nice to meet you,my name is Enzo Harmon, I'm not really good with people so. . ."

Enzo looked down onto the floor.

William- "I'm back Lieutenant Enzo! This is my friend Hibiki Hisakawa."

Hibiki- "Nice. . .to meet you." Awkwardly

Enzo smiles softly.

Enzo- "It's okay to just call me Harmon."

Kamia- "We already know what's happening. So first things first, we are planning to enrol both of you into Leithea Defence Agency, in other words, LDA. We will explain this in further detail when we get to it. But before that, it's best to find you some proper clothes, because you need to disguise yourself."

Kamia looks at William and Hibiki in concern.

Kamia and Enzo leads Hibiki and William to a room with a computer and two sets of clothing.

William and Hibiki thoughts- The clothes look weird, and what's that black thing. (they are referring to the computer)

Enzo- "After you change into the clothes, we'll take you to where you'll live, study and train."

William and Hibiki changes into their clothes in the changing rooms.

Kamia- "They really do suit you well."

William grins and Hibiki smiles embarrassingly

Soon they walked into the busy streets where there are cars speeding along the road. Hibiki nearly got hit be one of those cars when crossing the road but Kamia pulled him off it.(Remember Hibiki and William don't really know what things in the world are because unlike Muroria, Leithea has high technology, like computers and such)

Hibiki- "Thank you Kamia."

Hibiki thoughts- 'I feel like I'll die if I were to walk here by my self . . ."

Hibiki's face is like -_-

William- "I don't know how I managed to survive in this world when I was young, because I don't remember a thing!"

William Laughs.

Ahead of them was a large building made out of some sort of shiny material. A man was standing in front of it. (That man is the "Person" back in chapter 4...or was it 5...or 6?)

Person- "I hope you are having a pleasant evening, my lady Kamia Walker? Lieutenant Harmon Enzo? I see you've got two. . .peculiar young boys over there. . .I haven't seen them before, are they perhaps. . .from a different world?"

Kamia- "Tyrese Quinn! You know it's prohibited to talk about world travel in the public, what do you want from us?"

Enzo- "Hibiki, William, get away from here quickly and head to the back door on the other side. you're not ready to go against someone like him yet."

William- "Will you be okay?"

Enzo- "We'll be fine, just go, quick!"

Hibiki and William ran behind the buildings to the back door....

Enzo and Kamia's view...

Tyrese- "Enzo, do you understand what you've done? You let valuable information get away. You defied the higher-ups' orders." (Harmon is Enzo's first name. They just call him Enzo because they are use to it)

Enzo- ". . ."

Kamia looks at Enzo with a worried look.

Kamia- "Your opponent is us Tyrese. Since you've found out somethings that you are not suppose to know, so we will have to capture you."

Tyrese- "Well, that is if you can."

Fight scene next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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