Chapter 6

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Keith let out a muffled groan as he woke up. He tried to stretch and was confused when he couldn't move his arms. His pillow grunted at his squirming and trapped him tighter. Wait a second......did his pillow just grunt?

Keith's eyes flew open to see someone's chest in front of him. The familiar blue shirt registered a second later and he struggled not to let out a startled scream. Lance was snuggling him like some kind of teddy bear! I mean don't get Keith wrong he did have a small crush on Lance but this was crazy.

He shifted uncomfortably in what must be one of Lance's shirts and what was obviously not a pair of his own underwear. Did Lance and his apparent second personality do anything last night? Keith didn't feel any dull aches so he thought not.

He would have continued freaking out when Lance's hand sleepily began stroking the hair at the nape of his neck. His eyes drooped. "Shh," Lance mumbled, "it's still sleepy time."

Keith snickered at that statement sleepily before he was pulled back to sleep. He would deal with this in the morning.

Pidge came and woke them up about an hour later. They had a smirk on their face and kept having eyebrow spasms in Lance's direction. Lance was just trying to ignore the little green gremlin and pay attention to Coran.

"Now per Keith's request," the altean said twirling his mustache in thought, "I have delved into the altean royal library and found some methods on dealing with DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder to coin the human phrase. Would you like to see?"

Keith nodded before being lessened down with several old tomes. "Now the first thing I want you all to understand," Coran addressed them, "is that the best way to treat this disorder for alteans was to merge the two personalities so that there is no remaining split. However first we need to determine which of the two is the core personality."

He held up the mind meld helmet. "This will be most beneficial to our attempts even though it was designed as more of a bonding excersise." He kept going in explanations and Pidge and Shiro got so into it they were taking notes. Keith look slightly scared. Hunk and Lance looked a little lost about so much info at once.

Then Lance glanced over at Keith and set his shoulders stealing an extra pad from Pidge he began taking notes himself. He was going to be of help.

A/n- okay so while I took a psychology class I don't recall everything about DID disorder. I'm also not proud of calling it multiple personality disorder but I thought more people would understand that term. If I get any information wrong don't hesitate to correct me in the comments and I will revise that part of the story. I really want this to be as accurate as possible. Thank you for your support.

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