Omake: Halloween

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"Whahaha," Lance laughed lifting up his cliche vampire cape and baring the fake fangs at Allura. She laughed almost dropping her bat for her Harley Quinn costume. "You look ridiculous Lance."

Lance grinned happily at that. Pidge had to waddle in. Her costume was purposely bad robot made of boxes. "Shiro and Hunk are just now managing to shove Keith into a costume," she said with a maniacal grin.

Allura looked ecstatic having helped put together the costume. Lance looked confused. Hunk came in in his hulk costume followed by a Frankenstein Shiro. "Ladies, gentlemen, and Lance," he said with a grin, "our lovely creation Kitten Keith!"

Shiro reached behind him to push Keith into the room. The purple eyed boy shifted uncomfortably. His costume was skin-tight black leather pants, furry boots, a furry shirt, black kitty ears sat on his head and a tail was attached to his belt.

Keith blushed bright red beneath the whiskers on his face. He turned to look at Shiro pleadingly who just waved encouragingly and Keith sighed. "M-meow," he stuttered.

Lance held a hand to his nose as he gushed blood. Allura cooed over the raven-haired teen. "You look gorgeous Keith," she said, "we are all ready to go to the Halloween party now." Lance came back with a tissue stuffed up one nostril.

"Let's go," he said grabbing Keith's hand to pull him along. At the party, Keith just kinda awkwardly followed one of his friends. He didn't really know anyone here and had no idea what to say to anyone. "Hey there pretty kitty," slurred some guy in a pirate costume.

The guy got up close to Keith dropping a heavy arm across his shoulders. His breath smelled strongly of alcohol. "Lets say you and me go have some fun," he said breathing a whole mess of bad breath in his face. "Whoa whoa," Lance said as he made his way over, "come on man he obviously doesn't want to do anything with you!"

Before the guy could fire back anything, Keith reached down and gripped the guy's jewels dangerously tight. The guy tensed up and Lance winced in sympathy. "Say the magic words Jack Sparrow," Keith snarled his fake claws digging in. "I'm sorry," the guy whimpered.

When Keith didn't let go, Lance tried to placate him saying, "whoa whoa Keith Hakuna his tatas. He said sorry." Keith let go and the guy ran off. Lance snickered, "well I guess you got some sharp claws." Keith grinned back slipping beneath Lance's arm. "I think you'll be the only monster I'll play with."

"You practiced that with Pidge didn't you," Lance said with a fond smile. "Yes," Keith admited, "it took an hour to do it with a straight face." Lance laughed and pressed a soft sweet kiss to his kittens nose.

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