Story of My Life

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  • Dedicated to Cancer Research Uk

For pizzaluver, the mentor was my first fan fiction and I loved it! You're the inspiration for this chapter and most of the rest of it!

A/N This is my first ever fan fiction so please don't hate guys! I'm working slowly on it, but won't post every day, sorry! I'll try to get a new chapter posted at least once a week but I can't promise anymore than that because of school! I hope you enjoy!

“Rachel!” I gasped, staring at the gunky stain running down my new, brand new, may I add, white Forever 21 t-shirt. She stared at me with a strange shocked expression, before letting out a snort laugh.

“Girls, girls! What is going on over there?” Mr Gibbs, the science teacher asked. He twitched his moustache; it looks more like a ferret has perched on his lip. Rachel smiled innocently, “Oh nothing, sir!” she grinned. I glared at her and opened my mouth to object, but she shoved her hand over my gawping mouth, so I let out a little meep noise.

Rachel scoffed before turning to Gibbs, beaming, “What Charlotte means to say is that as she was passing me this- what is this- oh never mind, this err - chemical thingy, she accidentally spilled it down her shirt.”

“Oh I will get you for this, Little Miss Innocent!” I muttered under my breath. Gibbs nodded grimly, “Better get you cleaned up, then, Miss Milton.” He also said something about me being a pain in the arse, but I didn’t quite catch it. He doesn’t like me much, if you didn’t notice.

 Gibbs beckoned at me and my partner in crime, Rachel. I dragged myself over to the sink where he was standing. “Turn round! I need to see what it is.” He ordered. I did a little pirouette. He scowled, “Face me, now!” I did what I was told.

Gibbs looked at me, supposedly meant to look shaken, “No! That’s hydrofluoric acid!” Puzzled, I looked at him enquiringly.  “Jess, you want to say something.” Gibbs smiled smugly. Spinning on my heels, I turned to face the rest of the science class.

Jessica Ridley, the world’s smartest, and the world’s snobbiest, girl sat arrogantly with her hand raised in the air. “It can’t be hydrofluoric acid because it would have burnt through her top already.” Panicked I stretched out my t-shirt, checking for any burns.

Jessica sniggered, “I said it couldn't be, Charlotte!” Ready to hit her, I quickly scrubbed off the stain and  slumped back in my chair. The bell rang and I was on my feet before Gibbs even had the chance to dismiss us. Lunch!

A/N Hope you liked it! Please leave comments and stuff to help me improve! Picture of Diana on the side >>>

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