Little White Lies

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 A/N  I realise that this story is really short, so I'm going to begin working on another story at the same time. I will carry on with this one though, so keep reading!

It’s been almost 3 weeks since Diana was diagnosed with her cancer. It hasn’t been a fun month though.

I’ve figured that this is Diana’s last year with us, so I want to pull of something incredible for her 14th birthday. Like, really spectacular.

I can’t stop her from, you know, leaving this year, but I can make it extra special for her instead.

So I have been planning this for a little while now, and I’ve finally decided, I’m going to go to London! I’m going to give Diana a birthday impossible to forget.

I have it all sorted out, my aunt Helen lives in a little flat above her dress shop in London, and I’m hoping to be able to spend a couple of nights with her.

I’ve written a note for my parents, to tell them what I’m doing. Precise enough, but too vague for them to be able to come and make me come back home. That would ruin the whole plan.

 I basically told them that I had gone away for a bit to a friend's just to get away from everything for a while. I'd be back in time for Diana's birthday, 4th January

I had got everything ready before hand, and I was wearing a practical, but comfy pair of leggings and a t-shirt, my converse and a hoodie. I had pulled my hair up into a messy bun, because I never wear it that way, so people won’t know it’s me.

Quickly, I pulled on my rucksack full of clothes, a few snacks and some other essentials, and ran down the stairs. I left the note on the kitchen table for Mum and Dad and ran out the back door.

They were out shopping, and could be back any second, I couldn’t risk being caught.

The station isn’t too far from our house, so I got there in less than 10 minutes. I tapped my oyster and ran up to the platform.

The train I wanted to get was just pulling up at the station as I sprinted onto platform 3. I leaped onto it and walked down the aisle searching for a seat whilst making my way through a jungle of suitcases, bags and people.

Finally I got a seat and slumped down in it. I flung my rucksack onto my lap and dunked my hand into it. Phone, phone, oh where is it?

I opened it up as wide as possible so that I could see inside. I turned all the bag pockets inside out, becoming frantic. Oh damn, I’d left it at home. I was meant to call Helen.

Well, I suppose this could be positive, they can’t track me through my phone at least. At least.

What the hell am I doing?

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