Strong Part 2

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 A/N Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in ages, but I was at school and stuff. This is really short, but I will post a new chapter later! Hope you like it. Picture of Helen on side! She'll come into the story a bit later!) >>>

6 blindfold makeovers, 17 custard creams and 3 fallen lamps later, Diana and I sat cross legged on the floor of my room. She was stuffing her face with her 9th biscuit, getting crumbs all over my carpet.

“Hey! You’re cleaning this up!” I said, wagging my finger at Diana. She laughed and replied, “Why, yes, of course Mother!” putting on her very best Prince Charles accent. I say Prince Charles because I’ve rarely hear the Queen speak, only on her Christmas speech. Thinking about it, Christmas is quite soon.

Diana reached for another custard cream, but I quickly pulled the plate away, saying, “Nu uh, Missy!”, and scoffing one for myself. She giggled before trying to grab the plate back. This resulted in a biscuit war which lasted for about 10 minutes before we lay back on my bed, exhausted.

“I’m going to bed.” Diana grinned, skipping out of my room, “Night Lottie!”

“Night Didi!” I called back. Quickly, I closed the door after her and stripped off my clothes.

Once in bed I snuggled into the duvet, wrapping it around me. It was hot, but I did it more for protection than warmth.

Frightening images were appearing in my head; memories from Diana’s last cancer.

Images of Mum weeping on Dad’s shoulder, tears streaming down her face, Dad lost in his own mourning. More images of Diana, smiling at me with her pale face, tubes and wires attaching her to heavy machinery.

I couldn’t shake the pictures out of my head. They were just there, and when I ignored them there were noises.

The beeping of the heart monitor, Mum’s crying and Diana’s faint whisper of a voice filled my ears.

I can’t take it.


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