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A/N This is a bit of a space filler, just needed some bonding between Charlotte and Diana. Anyway, here it is! Picture of Dad on side! >>>

“So…” I grinned at Diana, “What do you want to do?”

“Ur- I dunno,” she replied, “Wanna chat?”

“We kind of are, already!” I laughed.

We must have sat like this for about 10 minutes, perched on the bottom step of the stairs. I could hear Mum and Dad in the kitchen. “What about chemo?” Mum cried. Dad sighed, “She’s already had her maximum amount, from last time!”

It was horrible having to listen to that, and probably worse for Diana. So I decided to break the silence.

“What do you want for your birthday, Didi?” I asked, using her nickname from when she was about 4. She shrugged, but I insisted, “Come on! You must have a vague idea! It’s in 3 months!”

I start thinking about my next birthday about a week after my last one has gone, so 3 months isn’t long at all.

Again, Diana just shrugged, “Probably won’t make it that long, anyway.”

“Yes you will!” I exclaimed, pulling her round to face me, “You will make it there, and for much, much longer!”

“If you say so.” She sighed, pulling away from me, but I regained my grip on her shoulders.

“Diana, look at me! You are going to get to your 14th birthday, okay? You will make it there, I promise. Al you have to do is stay strong, stay faithful. Now what do you want for your birthday?” I relaxed, quite pleased with my little speech.

She grinned, “Nice speech, Margaret Thatcher! And I really don’t know what I want for my birthday! Honestly!”

After about 15 minutes of trying to shake out of Diana what she wanted for her birthday I was left with an almost impossibly short list,

·         A Body Shop Voucher

·         A dress

·         And to meet One Direction

Dibs on the Voucher! I thought to myself, before realising I’d said it out loud. “What?” Diana giggled. I could feel myself going red.

“Okay, enough chatting now!” I cried, “Make-over time!” Diana looked at me, horrified, quietly chanting, “No, no, please no!”

Ever since we were little, Diana and I have always done these blindfold make-over things where we do each other’s hair and make-up. And let’s just say this, the result may vary.

“You’ll never take me alive!” She screamed running up the stairs. I chased after her shouting several things I can’t remember, although I do recall dad saying ‘Bloody hell!’

About 5 minutes later and we were in my room. I had the brush and Diana was sitting in the chair by my dressing table. “I’ll try and do it nicely, Didi. I promise!” I gave her my little finger. She held out hers and said “Pinky promise!”

She shut her eyes; after all, it is blindfold make overs. I steadied the foundation brush in my hand and set to work…

A/N I hope you like it! As I said, it's a bit of a space filler! I will do a short Part 2 later!

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